super decomposition system

Chapter 1583 At your disposal

Chapter 1583 At your disposal
"Lin Yaoyang, don't go too far. We are all from the same place anyway. If you don't kill those ancient races, what do you mean by suppressing us who came from the same place as you?"

After Lin Yaoyang heard this woman's words, he immediately burst out laughing. This woman's ability to mess with the shit bowl is really first-class. In his mouth, it turned out that he had been Suppress their colleagues in Yuzhang Academy.

Lin Yaoyang didn't even bother to open his mouth, he shook his head and looked at this woman with pity in his eyes.

After the woman saw Lin Yaoyang's expression, she changed her expression and began to beg Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the other two little phoenixes and said, "I've handed her over to you, it's up to you how to deal with it, it still takes a little time here, you just need to come back soon."

A trace of cruelty flashed across the faces of the two little Divine Phoenix.

Seeing this, the woman turned around and wanted to run away, but Lin Yaoyang was faster than her, and punched the woman's dantian, destroying all the Qi in his body with one punch.

The two little phoenixes followed closely behind, grabbed the woman, and flew towards the woods not far away.

Kled said with an evil expression on his face, "Two birds and one girl, I don't know what will happen."

Lin Yaoyang glanced at Ke Lie angrily and said, "Would you like to go up and watch?"

Kelie smirked and wanted to nod, but Guo Yuehong slapped Kelie on the head, "What are you thinking!"

Claire smiled, but said nothing.

Lin Yaoyang held the contract in his hand, watching the blood on it slowly evaporate.

Lin Yaoyang remembered something, and shouted loudly to the two little Divine Phoenix: "Don't let her die so quickly, it's not over yet!"

As soon as Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, he heard two phoenix cries, and knew that it was the little Shenhuang's response to him.

Then he was relieved, and then Lin Yaoyang and the others were standing here and heard a few very shrill screams from the woods not far away.

The miserable cry made Lin Yaoyang and the others feel a little creepy.

What the hell are those two guys doing? I didn't expect them to be so ruthless to be able to scream like this.

What made Lin Yaoyang want to go over to see what happened to them.

Seeing that the blood on the contract had evaporated, Lin Yaoyang also began to sink his heart.

When the blood on the contract was completely evaporated, Lin Yaoyang roared into the woods, "It's over, come back!"


Immediately afterwards, Lin Yaoyang heard the woman's last scream and then fell silent, and then saw two little phoenixes coming back from the woods, but there was a trace of blood on the corners of the mouths of the two little guys.

Lin Yaoyang didn't ask them what happened to the girl, anyway, she didn't kill herself, she died in the mouth of the beast, this girl died well.

After the blood evaporated, the system reminded Lin Yaoyang to use his own blood to recognize the Lord again.

After the woman's blood disappeared, the look in the eyes of the controlled little Divine Phoenix also began to become confused.

(End of this chapter)

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