super decomposition system

Chapter 159 Devil's Nest

Chapter 159 Devil's Nest
Baizhang Tianzhu knew very well that he was transferred to the devil's lair. Although the strength of the person in front of him was not too strong, he was still a real martial arts monk.

Moreover, just now when Lin Yaoyang was using his Ant King's power, the aura that was revealed that seemed to swallow everything shocked Baizhang Tianzhu and sighed in his heart.
No matter how strong he was before, he is now reduced to a martial artist. If Lin Yaoyang wants to attack him, it is not too much to say that he can be killed with a single slap.

He belongs to the Baizhangtian pig clan, his name is Ke Lie, and his mother Hepburn is the patriarch of the Baizhangtian pig clan.Kret knew that his cultivation strength was really not that good. Given the innate conditions of the Baizhangtian Pig Clan, he could be counted as one of those who had poor brains in cultivation and were only worthy of being eliminated. pig.

However, relying on the fact that his mother is the patriarch, he can always use some resources in the clan, and he just increased his strength to a level comparable to those geniuses in the clan.

Klein originally thought that it would be enough to reach this level, but one day his old lady came to him and said, "Klay! My old lady found you a great fortune! Because some of your old lady Your aunt and I have no way to use it. I used a lot of treasures to give to your aunt. After discussing it, I gave you this great opportunity. You must treat me well."

After Klein heard about it, he thought it was some kind of genius, magic weapon, elixir or something like that. When he heard his old mother say this, he really couldn't get any interest, and he looked very happy.

After seeing Kled like this, Hepburn sighed, and said to Kled: "Do you want to reach the level of my old lady's strength?"

As soon as Kret heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, thinking!Why doesn't he want to!My old lady is one of the top fighters in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she can go to the world.

I dreamed of being able to reach the same level as my old mother, but Ke Lie still had some self-knowledge, knowing what his talent was like, and with the help of his old mother in this lifetime, he could reach the level of the Martial Emperor. The levels are already top-notch.

Kret is already satisfied. As for his mother's level, he just fantasizes in his free time, fantasizing in his head which world's top powerhouse he is.

In reality, he still placed himself in a very upright position. Hearing such an opportunity at this time, how could he let it go.He nodded frantically at his old mother.

The pig's head was shaking up and down vigorously, as if it was about to be thrown off.

Hepburn looked at Kret's appearance, and sighed, she really loved her only son so much, she didn't even frown when she gave him all kinds of treasures.

But this time, Hepburn hesitated a little, this... this is rebirth!If it weren't for him and Wujieshenhu, both due to some conditions, they couldn't use this good fortune.

Otherwise, now, Kret would not be able to see where his old mother is, he must have found a secret place to become a big cocoon, hibernate, and wait until the day of birth to become a blockbuster!
Hepburn murmured to Ke Lie: "This is rebirth... You have to make good use of it... Don't be so slack as usual. If you are successfully reborn and practice hard, you can definitely stand here The highest peak in the mainland! Don't worry, your aunt will naturally protect you for your safety."

After Kret heard this, he didn't have time to be happy, but felt that his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything.I can't open my eyes even if I want to, I can only feel that I am in a very warm place.There is always warm energy surrounding him, and he really doesn't know anything about the outside world.

Even how long time has passed, Kelie has no idea at all. When he wakes up again, he is here. Kelie still remembers the last sentence his mother said, your safety is protected by your aunt.

After coming out, he naturally thought that he was in Wujieshenhu's mansion, looking at Lin Yaoyang, he treated him as a servant.

Kelie looked at Huoshu, as if he had thought of something. After careful thought, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said to Huoshu: "You, you! Your disciple is Emperor Wu, who was killed by my mother. Yes, but it’s called Tyrone! Then you are?! No!”

Ke Lie looked at Huoshu with something wrong, and the frightened expression was clearly written on his face. Now Lin Yaoyang and Huoshu were both stunned at the same time, what is the origin of Huoshu.

Even Fire Rat can't remember now,
"Who is he!"

"who I am!"

Lin Yaoyang and Huoshu asked at the same time.

Baizhang Tianzhu Ke Lie was stunned when he saw the appearance of the two of them, "Don't you both know? You don't know who you are either?"

Klein looked at Fire Rat and asked blankly, Fire Rat nodded, and said impatiently: "You'd better tell what you know quickly, or I'll make a fire and roast you right away! As time goes by Over time, I can also know what happened to me. Now I will give you a chance."

After thinking about it for a while, Kelie nodded and murmured: "That's right, it's already a miracle that such a tragic life survived."

Lin Yaoyang was also in a hurry, and said to the pig: "Say it or not!" It was a little too boring.

Ke Lie lay on the bed, scratched his head and said to Lin Yaoyang: "You you you! What are you in a hurry for? I don't know much. I don't know too much about that level of fighting. What I know is only a little bit that my old mother revealed to me unintentionally."

After Huoshu finished speaking, he paused and looked at Huoshu: "However, your background is really scary!"

The Fire Rat said with a dark face: "Although I don't have any memories, I still remember the fact that I came from a big background. You'd better hurry up and tell me what you know."

Otherwise, I will tell him to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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