super decomposition system

Chapter 1602 Other Ways

Chapter 1602 Other Ways
Lin Yaoyang looked at the old turtle and asked: "What should I do to pass this test and enter the next level of heaven?"

The old turtle looked at Lin Yaoyang very calmly and said, "Crush this heart, and after I die, you will be able to enter the next level of heaven."

Lin Yaoyang finally has no way to calm down now, can this be passed?

Although Lin Yaoyang didn't know the specific strength of this old turtle, it was definitely quite terrifying. Wouldn't breaking this heart allow Lin Yaoyang to defeat this old turtle?

Is there any chance of this?

Seeing Lin Yaoyang's fuss, the old turtle waved his hands and said to Lin Yaoyang: "You don't have to worry, if you fight me, even if you practice for a few hundred years, I don't think the chances are very big, naturally not Possibly, you just do it directly. I have stayed in this place for long enough. For the mistakes I made at that time, I think I have already received enough punishment. You just need to break my heart That’s right. The entrance will naturally open.”

After Lin Yaoyang heard the old turtle's words, he became a little uneasy. Hearing the old turtle's tone, it meant that he didn't intend to fight back, and let himself kill him directly.

The avatar of the old monster stood there motionless, did not speak, just stared at Lin Yaoyang quietly.

Lin Yaoyang asked tentatively: "Senior, is there any way to kill you?"

The old turtle nodded, but he was very straightforward, and said to Lin Yaoyang: "Yes! Give me your innate things. With this precious thing, I may be able to directly escape from the world of the Hundred Heavens." I might enter another world, or maybe I will go to your world, I’m not sure about that, if you change your mind now, it’s not too late, give me this innate thing, Send you to the next heaven, and help you touch the killing blood curse on your body."

Lin Yaoyang was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. This old turtle can still tell that there is a killing blood curse on him.

As for the old turtle's face, it still had a calm expression.

How could Lin Yaoyang agree to Lao Gui's proposal, how could he just hand over his innate things so honestly.

If Lin Yaoyang can find that goblin wizard, the matter can be resolved as well.

This old turtle is not his benefactor, and he was able to get to this point because he was on the verge of life and death and worked hard with his life.

Why give him the green leather gourd for no reason.

Lin Yaoyang shook his head like a rattle.

Naturally, he did not agree, and the old turtle was not surprised by Lin Yaoyang's reaction. After such a long time, the old turtle had already seen through life and death.

Live or die really didn't mean much to him.

Even if the old turtle can't move, with his strength, he still has all kinds of means to know what's going on everywhere.

Lin Yaoyang thought of this, and was a little worried about Guo Yuehong and the others who were outside. He wondered if they had gained anything outside by relying on those Zerg races.

It seemed that Lin Yaoyang knew that he was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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