super decomposition system

Chapter 1611 Carve up the Little Phoenix

Chapter 1611 Carve up the Little Phoenix

When several people saw the little Divine Phoenix behind Lin Yaoyang, their eyes lit up, and a woman said, "I'm not mistaken, isn't this the divine beast Fire Phoenix? Which one do I want!"

After the woman finished speaking, she pointed directly at the one beside Lin Yaoyang, and began to divide the ownership of these little divine phoenixes.

Seeing this, the other woman did not slow down at all, pointed to the other one and said, "I want this one."

A man chose the remaining one.

The last man, with a strange light on his face, looked at Guo Yuehong with a strange light on his face, nodded frequently, and said: "Then this girl is mine."

The corner of Lin Yaoyang's mouth twitched, but he was not angry. These people really regarded themselves as a head of garlic, and it was here that they really started to discuss where they belonged.

Pointing to the little Shenhuang beside Lin Yaoyang, the woman spoke to the little Shenhuang and said, "Come here quickly, as long as you stay with the protoss like us, you can improve better."

Little Shenhuang was quite annoyed at this time, being discussed about ownership by others as if it were an item, no one could be happy.

The little Divine Phoenix directly opened its mouth, and spit out a mouthful of holy fire.

The woman didn't panic when she saw this, she swiped her hand, and a mirror made of ice crystals appeared in front of him.

When those holy flames reached the mirror, all the holy flames actually returned to the little Divine Phoenix.

Seeing this, the little Divine Phoenix raised her brows slightly, and flew up to avoid it.

Lin Yaoyang stood still, and with a flash of light in his hand, all the fire elements in the holy fire were in his hands.

Lin Yaoyang slammed it on the ground, and all the snow within a radius of [-] meters melted instantly.

The land beneath the snow was revealed.

Standing on the ground, Lin Yaoyang and the others felt that the feeling of being down-to-earth was really great.

Those young people who claimed to be gods looked at Lin Yaoyang and said to each other: "I think this is also the low-level human race who came from the lower heaven, kill him, and then bring these gods back. Jealous."

The few people next to him nodded in agreement.

Looking at Lin Yaoyang, there was a look of contempt in his eyes.

Even if they were going to fight, they didn't plan to come down from the sky, insisted on being in the air, felt that they were in the air, high above, Lin Yaoyang had to raise his head to look at them, that was the respect for them as gods.

Lin Yaoyang looked at these people who were not in a state of stinky farts all the time, and felt dizzy for a while, and even his thoughts of fighting them faded away.

He directly waved at Guo Yuehong and the others, turned his head and walked towards the way they came.

I don't want to see these unlucky bad guys again.

Lin Yaoyang felt the killing blood curse in his body. In this cold weather, the suppressed situation seemed to have become better.

My heart also relaxed a little bit.

The protoss behind them saw Lin Yaoyang and they were so defiant that they wanted to leave. They all had a look of anger on their faces. A woman looked at Lin Yaoyang and shouted angrily: "You lowly human race, you have to take my Where is Shenhuang going?"

(End of this chapter)

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