super decomposition system

Chapter 1613 Water Element

Chapter 1613 Water Element

The faces of the people standing behind this woman changed when they saw that Lin Yaoyang was actually able to directly absorb energy from an elemental body.

A man said with joy on his face: "This human race must be taken back. I feel that there must be quite a lot of secrets in him."

Lin Yaoyang glanced at him, wondering where this guy got such confidence that he could easily catch him.

Lin Yaoyang held a ball of light composed of water elements in his hand.

Lin Yaoyang threw it into the sky, and the light ball of water elements scattered directly. In this cold place, under the control of Lin Yaoyang, those water elements split into countless water columns in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, because of the climate, these water columns quickly condensed and turned into extremely sharp icicles, piercing towards those people.

The icicles shot down from the sky were so densely packed that it was impossible to see the number clearly.


Immediately, the first icicle hit the ground, making a huge explosion sound.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the explosion on the face rang out, and the few people following behind wanted to catch up to help, but they were blocked by these icicles for a while.

This woman is not a vegetarian either, those few elemental bodies seem to be able to use the power of the surrounding ice and snow,
His body sank into the ice and snow under his feet,
In the next second, he appeared in the ice and snow not far from Lin Yaoyang.

After it appeared, with a wave of his hand, Lin Yaoyang saw a burst of energy hitting Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang immediately mobilized an ant soldier to meet him, and split the energy with a single knife.
Lin Yaoyang saw that the woman was holding the water-blue ball in her hand, and she kept making plausible words in her mouth, obviously preparing some big killer move.

Lin Yaoyang is not a fool, how could he be released comfortably like this.

The light flowed under his feet, and he rushed to the woman in an instant. Lin Yaoyang wanted to grab the woman.

But when Lin Yaoyang's hand touched the woman, he only felt that the woman's body was like a loach, extremely slippery, and Lin Yaoyang's hand slid directly from the woman's body.

And this woman also disappeared in place directly, Lin Yaoyang flipped his hand, and a piece of amethyst sky thunder slipped out of Lin Yaoyang's hand. ,

It blasted towards the woman's position, but just when the amethyst thunder was about to reach the woman, a water element body appeared in front of her instantly, and directly swallowed the amethyst thunder own body.

Lin Yaoyang wanted to activate his imprint on the Amethyst Thunder to detonate the Amethyst Thunder.

But when the water elemental body swallowed the Amethyst Thunder, Lin Yaoyang instantly found that the connection between himself and the Amethyst Thunder was broken.

It was as if the Amethyst Sky Thunder was no longer his own.

Lin Yaoyang frowned, only to see a burst of light flashing in the body of the opposite water element.

A muffled sound rang out from the water elemental body.

Lin Yaoyang knew that it was the Amethyst Thunder that exploded in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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