Chapter 1618 Taunt
The one who restrained Lin Yaoyang into the air was still there, looking at Lin Yaoyang, flipping his hands up and down, Lin Yaoyang found that the clothes on his body began to lose one by one.

The flint hanging on his body was also put away by Zhang Lai directly.

Lin Yaoyang smiled disdainfully at Zhang La a few times and said: "The gods are just a bunch of trash who can only bully the small. The gods want to snatch things from such a small person like me. I'm really not ashamed."

The elder seemed to have not heard what Lin Yaoyang was saying, and there was no trace of expression on his face. If Lin Yaoyang hadn't seen the words of the young people next to him who were sullen because of his contemptuous words Lin Yaoyang really thought that this elder was deaf, or that he hadn't been able to make a sound successfully.

Fortunately, Lin Yaoyang had the foresight to put all his treasures into his storage space.
Lin Yaoyang's storage space is not the same as those storage magic weapons, it is independent of this world, only the system can be connected to that space,
It is very safe to store things in it, at least there is no way for this titled warrior to find it.

The old man also showed a trace of suspicion, but he didn't intend to speak to Lin Yaoyang at all.

At first, Lin Yaoyang still didn't understand what this old clapper meant, but later Lin Yaoyang realized that this old clapper really felt that he was a superhuman protoss, and he didn't bother to talk to Lin Yaoyang at all.

So he didn't bother to ask about the matter, he just found it by himself.

Lin Yaoyang's face was ugly, this kind of being looked down upon from the bottom of his heart really made Lin Yaoyang a little uncomfortable.

But it's not because Lin Yaoyang is weaker than these people in any way, but because these people are always delusional in their self-confidence that they are superior to others.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yaoyang also figured it out, these guys look down on him and there is no need to look down on them.

There was a sneer on Lin Yaoyang's face. Seeing these people not saying a word, the old man had become interested in Lin Yaoyang now, and he didn't intend to kill Lin Yaoyang.

At the very least, it is necessary to dig out the treasure on Lin Yaoyang's body.

The old man started to explore Lin Yaoyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Yaoyang's expression became even colder. There were too many secrets in his sea of ​​consciousness, and it was impossible for this old man to see them.

After this old thing stripped Lin Yaoyang's clothes off, Lin Yaoyang's heart sank, the green leather gourd was still hanging on his chest, but when Lin Yaoyang lowered his head, he was also stunned, the green leather gourd was just now Like a tattoo, it was printed on Lin Yaoyang's chest.

It's not the same as before, it's not independent from the outside.

The old man looked at the green leather gourd on Lin Yaoyang's chest for a long time, and Lin Yaoyang felt a little flustered in his heart, for fear that the old man saw something.

However, the old man finally turned his eyes away and focused on Lin Yaoyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The sunshine of the old man is like electricity.

(End of this chapter)

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