super decomposition system

Chapter 1620 Prohibition

Chapter 1620 Prohibition
Lin Yaoyang was in the hands of an elder, and he couldn't move at all.

It didn't take long before Lin Yaoyang discovered that in his line of sight, a group of houses of different sizes appeared in clusters. Those houses were big and small, forming a ring shape. Those houses of different sizes were similar to the one in the middle. The main house of Yu Palace is wrapped in it.

Before Lin Yaoyang took a few more glances, he noticed that his figure had stopped, and saw them stop under a room in the middle of this group of rooms.

Lin Yaoyang thought, although these protoss are stinky farts, they still treat prisoners quite well.

Lin Yaoyang's thoughts came out of his head just now, and he realized that the elder who held himself in his hand waved his hand, only to see a hole opened on the ground.

Lin Yaoyang's complexion suddenly changed due to the chill in the pitch-black cave, and he was thrown directly into the pitch-black cave.

Lin Yaoyang's expression froze, he fell directly to the ground, and just about to get up, the gap above his head was directly closed.

Lin Yaoyang looked around, it was pitch black, but Lin Yaoyang suddenly found that there were pairs of shining eyes staring at him.

Lin Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, did he prepare any beasts here to entertain him?

Lin Yaoyang frowned, trying to use the qi in his body, but the qi in his body just started circulating in his body.

Lin Yaoyang just felt waves of pain coming from his body.

Lin Yaoyang discovered that the elder unexpectedly placed a layer of restrictions on his body at some point.

Cooperating with the chain on his body, he was able to successfully seal off the Qi on his body again.

This was a bit inauspicious, Lin Yaoyang sat cross-legged on the seat, although Lin Yaoyang noticed that there were many eyes staring at him, but Lin Yaoyang found that they were not approaching him.

Lin Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't make a sound. It's better to think about removing the restrictions on his body first.

Otherwise, Lin Yaoyang Xing actually has quite a lot of inconvenient places.

I don't know if any elder is aware of the killing blood curse on his body, if that old thing was contaminated by the killing blood curse when he restricted himself...

Can't help thinking badly, Lin Yaoyang asked Qi Ling if there was a way to get rid of this restriction.

Qi Ling did not reply to Lin Yaoyang, but began to prove to Lin Yaoyang directly with actions.

Lin Yaoyang only saw Qi Ling, who was directly manipulating the seal of the emperor, and blasted towards the prohibition of the elders stepping down at the position of his dantian.

Only then did Lin Yaoyang notice that the restraint that the elder stepped down, the formation, looked like an extremely complicated snowflake, and there seemed to be a human figure in the middle of the snowflake.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the figure and frowned slightly. The figure was obviously not that of the elder, so what does this figure represent?

Lin Yaoyang concentrated his mind, wanting to see clearly what the restriction looked like.

But Lin Yaoyang didn't have time to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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