Chapter 1622
Lin Yaoyang's immediate first reaction was cold!so cold!That kind of cold was like a biting cold, and Lin Yaoyang still had the cold air of the Nine Nether Cold Spring in his body, and he was directly mobilized by this chill in an instant.

Lin Yaoyang also felt that after the cold air of Jiuyou Hanquan in his body was mobilized by this external force, the cold air still became agitated.

Even with the killing blood curse, it became a little unstable, and it started to have some activity again.

Lin Yaoyang's complexion immediately changed when he saw this, this killing blood curse really did not reassure him at all.

After the ancient race on the opposite side saw Lin Yaoyang's face, they thought it was Lin Yaoyang who had tasted the threat of the cold air, and there was a sneer on his face, and then he regained the very weak look on his face up.

Some of them have been here for several months without seeing the sun at all. There is energy in the air in this dungeon, and they will not starve to death by relying on that energy, but the ice that traps them There is no way for the pillars to smash it.

So I can only linger in this dungeon.

Now seeing that Lin Yaoyang actually came in and suffered like this with them, all of these people beamed with joy.

I just feel that this is the only thing that can make them happy these days.But Lin Yaoyang was not troubled by the cold as they thought.

Lin Yaoyang directly dragged Kelie out, and the fire jade bed where Kelie slept directly made Lin Yaoyang's already quite crowded place even tighter.

Now it is quite difficult for Lin Yaoyang to stand here and turn around.

However, when the fire jade bed where Kelie was sleeping was taken out, Lin Yaoyang instantly felt the Miesha Jiuyou Cold Spring in his body calm down again, and the Miesha Blood Curse also became silent again because of this.

Lin Yaoyang looked at everything in front of him and frowned, wondering if this was a solution, although the energy of this fire jade was enough to suppress his body.

But I can't keep such a big piece of fire jade here all the time.

Lin Yaoyang looked at Kret who was sleeping in the middle, his face was quite ruddy at this time, if someone who didn't know saw it, he wouldn't think that Kret was cursed or poisoned at all.

It just felt like Kret had fallen asleep.

Lin Yaoyang put his palm on it, only felt a burst of warmth, and relaxed his frowning brows again.

Now Lin Yaoyang is not in a hurry to escape, those people outside have plans against him, they will definitely release him again, he just needs to wait slowly.

However, Lin Yaoyang suddenly felt that he was locked on by countless eyes, and looked around.

I only saw that among the ancient races that were captured, there were not only men but also women, and Lin Yaoyang even saw people in the academy.

However, they all had the same expression at this moment, all of them looked eagerly at the piece of fire jade that Lin Yaoyang was touching.

Lin Yaoyang looked at their faces that were a little pale from the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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