super decomposition system

Chapter 1643 Suffering from Corrosion

Chapter 1643 Suffering from Corrosion
Then there are the words of low-level monks, which pose a fatal threat to their development.

After a man heard it, he jumped into the air. He also felt that something was wrong in his body at this time. After he took the pill, he noticed that the blood in his body began to turn black. got up.

Originally, he thought it was because Lin Yaoyang's blood was peculiar, and the black blood was transforming his body, so he didn't worry too much.

But after hearing Lin Yaoyang's words at this time, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.Even if Lin Yaoyang's blood can transform their bodies, the energy of Lin Yaoyang's blood that they can get in one pill is really too little.

But the process of turning into black was so fast that the man felt a little startled, it was too fast, just after he refined that elixir, the blood on his body was completely wiped out. Corroded, even his lungs.

After the man came to an elder, when the elder felt the violent black energy in this guy's body, his expression changed drastically.

Although none of them have seen this killing blood curse, it is quite easy to tell whether it is good or bad for the human body through this energy.

The ability of the black killing blood curse is currently raging in this man's body, trying to turn every inch of flesh and blood in this man's body into a black state.

This doesn't look like a good state. I don't know how many people have swallowed the elixir like this.

The complexions of these elders became ugly one by one.

The old man in the head frowned deeply when he saw it, grabbed the man, grabbed his palm, swiped his finger, and the man's fingertip opened a hole, seeping out the Black blood.

At this time, the blood seemed to have an independent spirituality. After leaving the body, it actually wanted to quickly spread towards the old man's position.

The old man frowned, using energy to wrap the ball of black blood in it.

However, after the energy of those exterminating blood curses was wrapped, it actually began to quickly erode the energy of the old man, turning it into black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally spread towards the old man's body past.

Seeing this, the old man's face darkened, and he directly cut off his finger that touched the black energy without the slightest hesitation.

After Lin Yaoyang saw it, he sneered and said, "You old clapper is quite cruel to yourself, but you are still smart."
The old man's face was completely gloomy at this time, looking at Lin Yaoyang, he stretched out his hand to grab Lin Yaoyang.

But Lin Yaoyang hid his body in a cloud of black mist, and they, who are titled warrior-level powerhouses, couldn't find where Lin Yaoyang was.

Even though the old man was extremely powerful, he also started to get nervous surprisingly.

(End of this chapter)

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