super decomposition system

Chapter 1654 It's too much

Chapter 1654 It's too much
Those books were piled up on the ground one by one, like discarded waste. When Lin Yaoyang approached, Lin Yaoyang suddenly took a breath, all kinds of exercises and combat skills, all of them It was lying there quietly.

There is not even a book that is lower than the mysterious level.

That's just the base level. After Lin Yaoyang flipped through a few books casually, he was quite rewarded, but Lin Yaoyang frowned. These combat skills, after Lin Yaoyang learned the Big Six Paths and Five Elements Reincarnation Technique, he can control Various elements are provided for Lin Yaoyang's own use.

In fact, Lin Yaoyang's need for these combat skills has become considerably less.

Lin Yaoyang used the various elements he could control, and even created his own combat skills, and the power would not be inferior to the combat skills listed here.

Lin Yaoyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and signaled Guo Yuehong to come up to see if there was anything she needed.

Guo Yuehong glanced at the man, and the man nodded, indicating that it's okay.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the man and asked cautiously: "Senior, where did you get these weapons and combat skills?"

The man said very casually: "Oh, when I go to assassinate those people someday, I will go to their Buddhist scripture pavilion and treasure house to look through it first, and bring out some random things."

Lin Yaoyang thought, if those Protoss people heard this, they would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood out of anger. This is called bringing a little thing out casually.

I'm afraid it's not the case, the treasure house and the scripture pavilion were evacuated directly.

If Lin Yaoyang was from the protoss, it would be strange if he didn't try his best to find this guy and kill him.

It is simply a disaster.

Lin Yaoyang turned around, and silently took down the weapons on the wall one by one.

The man looked at Lin Yaoyang's actions with a smug expression, thinking that Lin Yaoyang was surprised by his rich collection.

But when he saw Lin Yaoyang's actions behind him, he began to feel that something was wrong.

Why didn't Lin Yaoyang stop holding his hand?
Just for a short while, the weapons on the wall were removed by Lin Yaoyang.

The man finally couldn't bear it any longer, stood behind Lin Yaoyang and said, "Hey! You're a little too much! I emptied all the treasures of the protoss, so you come to evacuate my treasury right!"

Lin Yaoyang turned his head back, with no sense of embarrassment on his face, and said: "Senior, you don't use these things anyway, let him hang here to rust and rust, use them to create their due value for me what?"

The man's face darkened, "The value of fart! What are you planning to do with a dozen swords alone? Can you use them? Not to mention the ones on the head, the hands, and the feet. Yes, are you going to juggle or fight!

Lin Yaoyang smiled and did not speak. He picked up a book on the floor with a slightly crumpled cover of combat skills. On it were written four large characters "Full Explanation of Weapons."

Lin Yaoyang found out that this is the lowest level among this bunch of combat skills, even only the Yellow Level Earth Level.

But when Lin Yaoyang opened it and took a few glances, he felt the extraordinary combat skills.

(End of this chapter)

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