super decomposition system

Chapter 1711 Joy disappears

Chapter 1711 Joy disappears
Although the old man still doesn't know the origin of the toxin in his body.

But according to the rapid transmission speed of the toxin in his body, the old man is already fully aware that if he doesn't find a way to remove the toxin as soon as possible, the speed may erupt within a fairly fast time. Take his life away.

After the elder brother thought of what might happen, he was also frightened for a while,

I couldn't help but start to regret why I had to have some strange thoughts on this seemingly weird kid.

The old man looked at Lin Yaoyang's back, and thought silently in his heart, boy, you must never die.

Otherwise, Lao Tzu's life will be cheated by you.

Although General Lin Yaoyang had already killed a member of the iron cavalry with an extremely powerful posture, the old man did not feel any joy in his heart at all.

It is not that no one has done this kind of thing before, but without exception, they all died.

Not a single one survived.

The old man knew that Lin Yaoyang's chance of surviving this wrestling was really very small.

The old man shook his head, turned his body and walked towards the depths of the passage.

He could only stop looking at Lin Yaoyang, now that he was looking at Lin Yaoyang, he remembered that his life was not long.

Lin Yaoyang stood at the same spot, the bald man next to him turned pale, but it wasn't because of fighting that he couldn't keep up.

It was entirely because Lin Yaoyang's range of motion was too great. The chains on their two legs dragged him to perform various turning movements.

Even if he didn't fight anyone, the bald man felt as if he had fought fiercely with others all day and all night.

The bones all over the body seemed to be about to fall apart.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the bald man next to him and frowned, but before Lin Yaoyang had a chance to speak, the remaining three cavalry rushed over.

There was a fierce light in their eyes, it was because of Lin Yaoyang, even if they won the gladiatorial fight this time and went back, they would not have any good fruit to eat.

Everyone now hates Lin Yaoyang to the bone.

Lin Yaoyang's complexion also began to become dignified. Now the enemy will become more cautious, and there will be fewer and fewer flaws exposed, and the opportunities for himself will not be as many as before.

Lin Yaoyang clenched his fist, is he going to use his trump card?
Lin Yaoyang glanced at those people in the auditorium next to him, and at this moment, many eyes were focused on himself.

Without exception, they were all observing where the guy who lost his arm came from.


Lin Yaoyang snorted!
When the bald man next to him heard this, his expression immediately became tense, and he glanced at Lin Yaoyang. After seeing Lin Yaoyang's movements, the bald man immediately followed suit.

The two of them jumped into the sky at the same time and jumped up as much as they could.

Lin Yaoyang took off from the flat ground and jumped into the sky with a height of five meters.

And the bald man next to him is not as good as Lin Yaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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