super decomposition system

Chapter 1720 You hold on

Chapter 1720 You hold on
After Lin Yaoyang saw it, he was shocked immediately. Sure enough, the people in the arena were still prepared.

Who would have known that this murderous bird lived in the folds on the giant elephant's legs.

Moreover, the speed is so fast and the attack power is so strong, if there are only one or two, Lin Yaoyang thinks it is okay.

But at this time, the sky is full of darkness, and even the sunlight feels like it is about to be blocked. God knows how many there are.

However, Lin Yaoyang also found that something was wrong. Although the number in the sky seems to be a lot, logically speaking, if there is no energy, if so many birds attack Lin Yaoyang at the same time, Even if he was going to die immediately, there was no way to resist, but those guys below, although they looked embarrassed, did not seem to be too strenuous to deal with it, which made Lin Yaoyang feel very puzzled.

It didn't take long before Lin Yaoyang saw some clues. Although there were a lot of black shadows in the sky, it seemed that there were quite a few black shadows of birds that were fake. Just make an appearance on the side.

It's an illusion, otherwise, it would be a miracle for those people to persist for such a long time.

After Lin Yaoyang understood this, he let out a sigh of relief, thinking that this was normal.

If there are really so many, the folds on the elephant's legs are really a little bit unscientific.

How is it possible to inhabit so many birds?

Lin Yaoyang shouted unkindly to the people below: "Hold on first, I'll go up first!"

When the people below heard it, they all cursed, but they didn't dare to be too doppelgänger, they had already lost a person.

Their defensive strength has also dropped by a large amount.

If he still distracted himself from arguing with Lin Yaoyang now, he might be devoured by these black birds and his whole body would be left with only a bone of bones.

Lin Yaoyang jumped up quickly, the moment Lin Yaoyang jumped onto the back of the giant elephant.

Waiting for Lin Yaoyang is the overwhelming sword rain,

Seeing this, Lin Yaoyang's complexion changed, and when he looked left and right, he grabbed the unmoving elephant ear on his feet, and blocked himself in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lin Yaoyang only heard the bang bang sound when those sword rain hit the huge ear.

It can be seen how powerful this guy is.

But before Lin Yaoyang had time to be happy for a long time, he only felt a burst of strength coming from the "leather shield" in his hand, and it actually fell out of Lin Yaoyang's hand.

Lin Yaoyang was not discouraged when he saw this, the elephant would definitely put his ears away if he suffered from pain.

Lin Yaoyang saw that among the eight archers sitting on it, there was an archer who was always holding a small sculpture-like object. After Lin Yaoyang saw that object, he instinctively felt that it looked familiar.

But Lin Yaoyang was quite sure that he had never seen such a sculpture before.

(End of this chapter)

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