super decomposition system

Chapter 1738 Incident

Chapter 1738 Incident
The man didn't continue talking, but Lin Yaoyang could understand what she meant. Those who went to challenge must have all died without exception.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the man abruptly and asked, "Brother, if you go against this Li Sha, what chance do you have of winning?"

At this time, the man seemed to be in the presence of God. After hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, he said without thinking, "Hey, this guy, the rumors are so evil, my brother still has [-] to [-]%... "

But before he finished speaking, the man looked at Lin Yaoyang with a smile on his face, shook his head, and said, "Brother, I don't have any hostility towards you, so don't do that."

Lin Yaoyang also shook his head with a smile and said to the man: "Brother, since you are not a simple person, let me tell you, I can kill this Li Sha steadily, do you think I can survive after killing him. "

After the man heard that Lin Yaoyang was so confident, he was also shocked, especially when he saw Lin Yaoyang's empty left arm, he thought in his heart that this guy had such courage, but he looked at Lin Yaoyang's arm cut off.

However, he had witnessed Lin Yaoyang's strength with his own eyes. After hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, he shook his head and said to Lin Yaoyang: "The people in this arena will definitely not be able to keep you. If you kill Li Sha, the Protoss will definitely kill you. This is a death sentence." bureau."

Lin Yaoyang naturally knew about it, and said to the man, "Brother, do you want to leave here?"

"miss you!"

This time the man nodded happily to Lin Yaoyang, it was inevitable, who wouldn't want to leave the arena.

Lin Yaoyang nodded, and said: "After I kill Li Sha, I can take you out of here, I'm going to the north!"

The man didn't ask much, and nodded to Lin Yaoyang.

After Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, he sat aside and began to feel the qi in his body again.

After not feeling the flow of air in his body for a long time, Lin Yaoyang felt that his strength had started to rise again.

Qi Ling has also become active again. Lin Yaoyang is now considering whether to use the Human Emperor's Seal when facing Li Sha. After all, this is in this city of God. There are too many strong people, and he can feel his own strength. There must be people who are half-step warriors with the seal of the emperor.

If they feel the extraordinaryness of the Emperor's Seal, if they immediately interrupt the game in a heartbeat, it will be quite troublesome for Lin Yaoyang to come to snatch the Emperor's Seal.

The sky darkened immediately, and the three guys who went out to be chic also came back, and there was a hint of alcohol on their faces.

One of them was already in a state of drunkenness, but the other two people from the northern protoss didn't seem to be drinking less, but the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

After Lin Yaoyang saw their expressions, his heart suddenly sank for no reason, he knew that something must have happened, otherwise these two guys would have such a bitter face for no reason.

They were still counting on themselves to be able to take them out.

(End of this chapter)

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