super decomposition system

Chapter 1742 Stone Arm

Chapter 1742 Stone Arm
But now is not the time to consider aesthetics for Lin Yaoyang at all, what Lin Yaoyang needs now is everything that can improve his combat effectiveness.

After some selection, Lin Yaoyang used as much as 200 million points to exchange for a mountain giant's arm. That arm was made of stone, and it was as thick as Lin Yaoyang's own three arms combined. Saint-level existence.

What Lin Yaoyang likes is the powerful defense ability and control ability on this arm.

Lin Yaoyang himself doesn't really need attack power. Lin Yaoyang's attack method, if he has the big six paths and five elements reincarnation technique, can be said to be ever-changing, which is a little bit too much.

A few people sitting not far from Lin Yaoyang were discussing in low voices at this time, after they arrived at the west coast and separated from Lin Yaoyang, whether they should go together, be a companion, and see where it would be better to go.

Suddenly, he saw Lin Yaoyang holding a huge stone arm and inserting it directly into the place where his broken arm was.


A cloud of black blood emerged from the position of Lin Yaoyang's severed arm. It was the blood accumulated in the wound where Lin Yaoyang hadn't treated the wound well, and was forced out by Lin Yaoyang.

At the same time, several people on the opposite side saw that Lin Yaoyang's huge stone wall began to flicker with light, and it was quickly merging with Lin Yaoyang's shoulders.

It's only a quarter of an hour.

Which arm is perfectly integrated with Lin Yaoyang, and the few people sitting next to him seem to be stupid.

Seeing Lin Yaoyang complete all these, Lin Yaoyang stood up and moved his arm, which was no different from his original one, but the size seemed a bit too inconsistent.

Lin Yaoyang was also a little helpless, he had no choice but to deal with the extraordinary times.

The night passed quickly, and it was only in the morning. Lin Yaoyang could hear people's voices in the arena outside when he stayed at the place where they were resting.

When going out for a walk through those guys, Lin Yaoyang learned that the arena had created enough momentum for this fight. After the tickets started to go on sale, it only took 2 minutes for the tickets to be sold. Everything was clean, and there were even cases where ticket sellers were beaten because they couldn't sell tickets.

However, the guy who hit someone was yelling and begging for mercy 10 minutes later, and was stripped naked by the people in the arena, blocked the energy on his body, and threw him into the arena.

After having such an example, they all began to be honest. People without votes tried their best to find connections and spared no expense to get a vote. The scalpers grinned and opened their mouths, holding Watching the bills, he began to wait for the white money to flow into his pocket.

No, it should be that all kinds of precious treasures and magic cores entered his pockets.

Lin Yaoyang sat here quietly, waiting for someone to call him in.

After another hour passed, Lin Yaoyang felt that he was impatient to wait, and finally someone came in. A man dressed as a waiter knocked on the door, opened the door respectfully and let Lin Yaoyang come in. to compete.

This is a treat that has never been done before.

(End of this chapter)

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