Chapter 178

Chapter 170 Eight Can't Beat Pigs
Kelie grows up so big, apart from suffering some losses from Lin Yaoyang, no one has ever dared to insult himself like this. Kelie stared at the Patriarch, and his whole body was like a cannonball. Patriarch's position rushed over.

Ke Lie really got angry now. The frequent setbacks at Lin Yaoyang made Ke Lie very unhappy. Although he wanted to resist, due to Lin Yaoyang's strength, Ke Lie endured it. After coming down, it turns out that a human being with such weak strength has become so arrogant in front of him, how can this be tolerated,

Kelie's speed was so fast that Lin Yaoyang was secretly surprised. If he hadn't paid attention, he probably wouldn't have known that Kelie rushed out. Lin Yaoyang felt a special energy fluctuation from Kelie's body ,

"Could this be so close to the end of the world? So strong!"

Lin Yaoyang sighed in his heart, and at the same time his hands moved, he quickly pulled the slow rope in his hand, Lin Yaoyang was not worried about Kret's comfort.

He didn't believe that the Patriarch's weak strength could really cause any threat to Klie. What Lin Yaoyang was afraid of was that if Klie really made a move, the Patriarch would beat him up in public. It looks a little better.

How will he be able to hold his head up in the future? I think everyone will think of him when they see him, "Oh! This man was beaten by a pig."

The head of the family also didn't realize that the beautiful-looking pet pig Lin Yaoyang was leading was actually so cruel, as if he could understand human speech, he just said a few bad things about him, and he actually wanted to kill him. Just rush up and beat yourself up?
A strange feeling also rose in the Patriarch's heart. At the same time, the Patriarch also moved, circulating his own Qi, and the surrounding dust began to move automatically without wind.

The Patriarch didn't stop. He looked at the pig that Lin Yaoyang was leading, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He wished he could just slap him to death.

The arrogant look that the pig looked at him just now is still vivid in his mind.Now that he has a chance, how could he let this pig go.

The big deal is to kill Lin Yaoyang's pig, and then return Lin Yaoyang's pig, isn't it? Also, I have to figure out a way. The sword on Lin Yaoyang's waist is also going to be fooled.

If it is really a spiritual weapon, tsk tsk, with two spiritual weapons in hand, that kind of feeling, just thinking about it, makes my heart feel a little ecstatic, and the hatred for Klein is also slightly has dropped a little bit.

Seeing the Patriarch's posture, Lin Yaoyang's face turned ugly. At first, he thought that the Patriarch could be regarded as a character anyway, so he could just hold Klein by himself, and then he would hide away. He was planning to fight Kled to the death!
This person's air is really too small!Lin Yaoyang thought of what Chang Wushi said, that all strong men fought all the way up, and now he just wanted to expose all his strength.

Lin Yaoyang thought, since you are shameless, let a pig beat you up!
Lin Yaoyang let go of the rope holding Kelie, Kelie only felt that the pulling feeling from his body disappeared in an instant, his face froze for a moment, then he looked back, only to see Lin Yaoyang nodded to him.

Ke Lie's face was full of joy at the time, why didn't he understand Lin Yaoyang's meaning, this was to reassure himself to make a move!Kelie's tense pig face suddenly burst into a happy smile, completely gone from expressing anger at Patriarch's words just now.

In Klie's view, anyway, this human being will kneel at his feet and beg for mercy later on anyway, so naturally there is no need to be angry anymore.

Ke Lie also started to work and became angry, but because he was wearing Lin Yaoyang's little black clothes, the white light shining on his body was actually not too obvious, if you don't look carefully , naturally cannot be found.

The Patriarch thought that Kelie was just an ordinary pig, so naturally he hadn't observed it carefully, and just wanted to use all his strength to kick this annoying pig to death in this place.

Seeing the patriarch kicking towards him with all his strength, Ke Lie's face was not worried but happy, and he rushed over whichever kick he met.


A muffled voice came through, and the Patriarch's face has completely changed now. It is different from what he imagined when he kicked a soft body. The Patriarch only felt that his kick was directly on a rock. Same.With that kind of hard touch, the Patriarch only felt that his calf was about to break off, and the severe pain was transmitted from the calf.

Patriarch's face turned pale in an instant, and he looked at Kret with a look of deep fear in his eyes, and what made Patriarch suffer the most was not how hard Kret's body was.

It's because, although the kick I kicked hit the pig's body impartially, but I don't know why, there was a strange energy from the pig's body, as if it was kicking me. It seemed that more than half of the strength of the feet had been sucked away.

Immediately afterwards, the same force came from the pig. The Patriarch felt a tremor in his lungs and a heat in his throat, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

But the Patriarch still restrained himself, there are many people watching here, if he saw that he kicked Lin Yaoyang's pig, the pig didn't have a shit at all, but he, It turned out that a mouthful of old blood spit out, and I would no longer be the laughing stock of others for the rest of my life.

Now the owner of the house also fully understands that this pig is not an ordinary pet pig, it is clearly a powerful monster.What frightened Lin Yaoyang even more was that this monster was actually held in Lin Yaoyang's hands obediently, obeying Lin Yaoyang's command!

The Patriarch knew that his own strength might not be as good as this pig who seemed to be begging for beating, but this pig was willing to follow Lin Yaoyang so honestly.Does this mean...

As if realizing something, the Patriarch suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yaoyang. Lin Yaoyang was staring at him with a half-smile, and a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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