Chapter 187

Chang Wushi thought that his vengeance might be avenged by Lin Yaoyang's hands in a short time, and his whole spirit changed.

Although if you want Lin Yaoyang to help him avenge, no matter what, Lin Yaoyang will reach the level of Martial Saint, and it may take decades, but if he is not suitable for recovering his strength, that kind of time gap is not enough. Generally big.

After all, Lin Yaoyang started to practice from scratch, and worked hard all the way up. If he had himself to guide him, the speed of cultivation would naturally be faster.

Although Lin Yaoyang is a human race, Chang Wushi is a demon race, and humans and monsters have different paths, but in the practice of one way, the final result is always the same way. Moreover, Lin Yaoyang's appearance, in a small place, obviously does not need himself at all Knowing more, his understanding is enough, I just need to give him some advice in the general direction.

After all, I was an eighth-level Martial Saint at the beginning, and I have been immersed in the Martial Saint for I don't know how many years. That kind of experience and experience is really something that can't be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

Conversely, if he waited until he regained his former strength, he would have lived for hundreds of years. Although the Yaozu had a long lifespan, Chang Wushi was no longer young.

It is naturally impossible to restore strength so simple. It is not too much to say that it is far away. Moreover, the level of the eighth-level Martial Saint, it is said that recovery can be recovered, and it is even possible. It is possible that you will not be able to return to the level of a martial arts saint in this life, let alone an eighth-level martial arts saint.

It is true that talent and aptitude are indispensable to be able to be promoted to the realm of Martial Saints, but there is one more thing that is indispensable, and that is luck.

Looking at the past, there are so many martial saint-level powerhouses in the world, if you just ask one of them, you will definitely have an adventure, and you can change your life's situation, so that you can turn yourself over and become the proud son of heaven.

Although there are people who have honestly cultivated to the level of martial arts step by step, but that kind of people are considered to be in the minority. To advance to this level, relying on their own efforts is often not the best way to achieve results.

It's more about needing that kind of opportunity.Sometimes even just a single thought can bring oneself a spiritual sublimation and thus advance to the next level.

Chang Wushi naturally understands this truth, so although Chang Wushi thinks in his heart, hate!That must be reported, but the process of revenge is absolutely unnecessary and must be done by oneself.

It might be easier to borrow someone else's hand. For Chang Wushi, relying on his own strength to recover and then destroy all the enemies is the most undesirable way.

This method is the method with the lowest priority in Chang Wu Su Xin.

"I hope you don't let me down! If you can help me complete this matter, I will certainly not treat you badly! I will give you a fortune that you can't even imagine in your dreams! Come on! Lin Yaoyang!"

Chang Wushi said silently in his heart, the way he looked at Lin Yaoyang also changed a little bit, it was no longer the same as it was at the beginning, the eyes were a little distant no matter what.

Chang Wushi was already thinking about how to build a good relationship with Lin Yaoyang. The character of this young man is still very good. He will never be kind to women, and he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. Distinction between right and wrong is something that Chang Wushu attaches great importance to.

Chang Wushi's heart is also a little funny, when Chang Wushi has been reduced to the point of trying to please others, think about his life, when he was young, he was the well-deserved pride of heaven in the ethnic group, all the way Sweeping all over the world, I have never encountered any low hand.

When he was young, he was even hailed as the future demon god. He must be the one who wants to dominate the demon world. In fact, Chang Wushi has already achieved it and became an eighth-level martial saint. It is certain that the entire demon world is definitely not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

There is definitely an undercurrent raging underground, and Chang Wushu is convinced that there must be a demon clan power stronger than himself alive, and there is more than one, just because he feels it, there are several,

Moreover, each of them is full of qi and blood, clearly in a strong state, and Chang Wushi is already an eighth-level Martial Saint if he can be born into a battle. There are still people above him. What level will it be? There are some numbers in my heart.

Therefore, when Chang Wushi's realm increased, Chang Wushi did not show up like he did when he was young, but began to disappear more and more.

Expose yourself outside as little as possible, concentrate on cultivation, and find ways to continue to improve yourself. At the same time, it is also a warning to the juniors in your own group that you must not act arrogantly outside because of your own reasons. These ignorant juniors have provoked a few great gods of that level. Maybe he can escape and save his life by himself, but the whole group will be ruined.

Although Chang Wushi didn't figure out which ethnic group the powerful people he felt belonged to, Chang Wushi was sure in his heart that they were definitely not from the race that showed that these actions were very lively and ostentatious.

Chang Wushi didn't dare to underestimate those races who were extremely low-key on the surface. Who knows if they have a powerful ancestor with the title of warrior.

Those who are strong at that level are all ready to pursue towards the ethereal and unattainable realm.

The title warrior level is not as high as the following levels and there are so many level distinctions, there is no one to nine levels!
There is only one step to reach the sky!If you can take a step forward at the title warrior level!You will be able to achieve the martial god body!Dominate the world in the true sense.

However, it has been many years since Martial God has appeared in this world, and Chang Wushu is not sure how many titled warriors there are in this world.

But how many Valkyrie there are, he is still very clear, because there is no one!

If it is possible to become a martial god, it is a good thing for the person who becomes a martial god, but it is not a good thing for other creatures in this world.

It can even be said to be a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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