super decomposition system

Chapter 204 8 Pole Break

Chapter 204 Eight Pole Break

After listening to the system's introduction, Lin Yaoyang became more and more excited. When the system asked him whether he wanted to learn this skill, Lin Yaoyang immediately gave the system a yes response.

Immediately, Lin Yaoyang only spent a thousand points to learn this middle-level Xuan-level combat skill, breaking through level eight.

It was completely different for Lin Yaoyang to learn this skill. Lin Yaoyang only felt his mind go cold, and then all kinds of confidence got into his mind.

The various release techniques and precautions of Bajipo, as well as how to release Bajipo to exert the most powerful effect, were all deeply implanted in Lin Yaoyang's mind.

Lin Yaoyang now only feels that releasing this skill is extremely simple, as simple as raising his own hand.

Lin Yaoyang nodded in satisfaction because he was able to hit a punch with the effect of eight layers of dark force in the middle of the hand. He became more and more fond of this combat technique, and the effect was a little too powerful.

If it hit someone else's body, under the effect of the eightfold dark energy, that feeling should be very sour.

The power from the outside to the inside is easy to avoid a little bit, but what about the power from the inside to the outside?

If he endured a punch like Lin Yaoyang's, that kind of terrifying force from the inside out would blow people to pieces.

Thinking of that scene, Lin Yaoyang also felt palpitations, but Lin Yaoyang was not a soft-hearted person.Naturally, the crueler the method used on the enemy, the better.

And the black-robed man on the opposite side obviously has no scruples about this, so why should he be scruples about himself.

I just don't know, if I display this eighth-level break in front of him later, what will he think in his heart?
Lin Yaoyang became more and more happy, seeing the smile on the black robe man's face became brighter and brighter, he only hoped that this guy would unleash more powerful combat skills, so that he could give them one by one I learned it secretly.

On the other hand, the black-robed man, after punching Lin Yaoyang, immediately withdrew and left, standing where he was. Originally, he wanted to launch the next attack right away, but.

He just raised his hand to Xiang, but it seemed that he couldn't feel the existence of his fist.

Looking down, I saw that the little bit of blood on my fist was gone, and the tiger's mouth of my hand had been directly opened by the shock.

However, no fresh blood flowed out, only a little bit of bright red oozing out, obviously because there was no blood to flow at all.

The clenched fist was shaking uncontrollably, it looked really scary.

He himself didn't expect that he was so vulnerable in front of Lin Yaoyang, it was just the strength of a punch, and Lin Yaoyang seemed like a normal person.

Even the clothes on my body didn't feel messy at all, and they were neat and not stained with a trace of dust.

A sense of frustration rose in the heart of the black-robed man, but seeing Lin Yaoyang's awkward smile, his anger regained the upper hand.
He snorted coldly, clenched his fist forcibly, and then got ready to rush towards Lin Yaoyang.
This time his eyes were completely occupied by madness, and he couldn't see a trace of reason in the night market.

Lin Yaoyang also became serious. It seems that this guy is completely planning to go all out. This kind of person is the most terrifying. He regards his own life as light as a feather and only wants to win. Lin Yaoyang is not a fool. Will fight with such a person.

The black light began to become more and more intense on Lin Yaoyang's body. Lin Yaoyang remembered that he still had a cloud of energy in the dantian of this black-robed man.
He stretched out his mind to try to mobilize some qi, but there was no response. Lin Yaoyang could feel that the qi still really existed in the black-robed man's body.

But I couldn't mobilize it, it seemed that I didn't inject enough Qi into his body. .

Now this black-robed man has forcibly improved his cultivation with the help of the elixir, and he has completely suppressed the Qi of Lin Yaoyang in his dantian, making it impossible for him to move.

As if sensing Lin Yaoyang's movements, the man in black robe looked at Lin Yaoyang and laughed, showing his two rows of white teeth, and asked Lin Yaoyang with a smile: "What's wrong? Are you afraid? If you are not afraid , why use his energy?"

Lin Yaoyang laughed back in anger, scared?Do I need to be afraid?As a peak martial artist, he was promoted by relying on pills, so why should he be so arrogant in front of him?

It's unreasonable, he is a real martial artist, Lin Yaoyang snorted coldly, and didn't explain too much about this kind of thing, it's useless to talk too much, as long as this guy is subdued, he will know, what should he do in the end? Who is afraid!
Besides, if Lin Yaoyang thinks about it, how long can he last with the strength raised by the elixir, quarter of an hour?Or less than a quarter of an hour?This kind of elixir that forcibly increases the potential has full side effects.

After the effect of the medicine wears off, it can make people weak for a long time. Two weeks and three weeks are considered short.

Moreover, this black-robed man took drugs in such an extremely weak state, and the side effects would definitely only be more terrifying!
Lin Yaoyang could have dragged him until the effect of the medicine wore off, and then he would kill his name with a single sword strike, but he didn't do that, and it was too boring to do so.

This time, Lin Yaoyang didn't wait for the black-robed man to make the first move. With a movement of his body, his body was ejected directly. The black-robed man just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Lin Yaoyang had already appeared in front of him.

Seeing this situation, the disciples standing behind watching all of them shouted in unison in a low voice: "Quick!"

Yes, it is fast, Lin Yaoyang's speed is much faster than that of Mr. Zhao, who has wind attributes, such a short distance.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Yaoyang teleports in the slightest.The black-robed man picked up Lin Yaoyang and appeared in front of him at such a terrifying speed that his heart sank immediately, and then.Immediately, subconsciously stretched out his hand and punched Lin Yaoyang,

(End of this chapter)

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