super decomposition system

Chapter 219 Another Level 1 Warcraft

Chapter 219 Another Level [-] Warcraft

After staring at Director Zhao for a while, Chang Wushi said to Lin Yaoyang: "This kid is probably affected by that energy fluctuation, and he saw what opportunity and treasure he got. He looks so anxious. "

Lin Yaoyang was stunned, then looked at Chang Wushi and said, "Then what should we do?"

Chang Wushi shook his head, then yelled in the direction of Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao's whole body shook like chaff in an instant.

But the more he trembled, the clearer and brighter Mr. Zhao's eyes became.After Mr. Zhao's shaking stopped, Mr. Zhao became more and more normal.
The fiery look in his eyes also gradually subsided, and then he thought of his appearance just now, with an incredible expression on his face, and murmured: "How could I have looked like that just now?"

After Lin Yaoyang grew up, he said to Director Zhao: "It's okay, you were affected by that energy fluctuation just now, did you see some genius and treasure beckoning to you!"

Director Zhao nodded immediately when he heard the words, and said, "I saw the herb that could make me step into the Wuzong stage immediately, so... I was a little excited inside."

Lin Yaoyang shook his head when he heard the words, and said to Mr. Zhao with a solemn face: "Mr. Zhao, you must firmly guard your own heart now. This person who releases energy fluctuations is definitely not easy."

Director Zhao heard the word "herringbone" in Lin Yaoyang's words, and asked Lin Yaoyang, "Human?"

Lin Yaoyang was stunned, and said with some embarrassment: "It is certain that this is definitely emitted by a creature, but he is still in the stage of preparing to be born, and there is not much danger yet. We just need to be careful."

Director Zhao nodded approvingly, his appearance just now scared even him.I feel more and more how terrifying that energy fluctuation is.

Just as Lin Yaoyang wanted to lead them to continue walking forward, suddenly there was another strong stench in front of him.

Another figure rushed out from the bushes in front of him.

As he sprang out, Hei Yinghe made a roaring sound.Lin Yaoyang's complexion tightened again in an instant, "It's coming again! Is this another monster that was frightened away?"

The monster this time is no different from the previous one, and it is also a very powerful existence. Lin Yaoyang also had experience before, and he immediately judged that this is also a seventh-level monster!
This is a monster in the shape of a fox, roaring and running desperately towards the outside.

When he saw Lin Yaoyang and his group, he was stunned for a moment, and his aura was unreservedly released.Just when they were about to suppress Lin Yaoyang and his group.

Lin Yaoyang and the others felt a flash of blue light in front of them, Chang Wushi began to exert strength, and a somewhat sized blue mask began to wrap Lin Yaoyang and the others.In an instant, the coercion disappeared directly.

This time, Chang Wushi didn't deliberately lower his voice, but just yelled at the fox-shaped monster: "Stop!"

All the people were stunned when they heard Chang Wushu's roar, even the fox-shaped monster involuntarily stopped for a moment, and stood there looking at Chang Wushu.

After the fox monster stopped its steps, Lin Yaoyang was able to observe the seventh-level monster carefully.

Although he is a fox, he has beautiful patterns all over his body, and there is always a faint light shining on his body.An extremely well-proportioned body can be said to be extremely beautiful.

Lin Yaoyang looked behind the body of the fox-shaped monster, and suddenly froze, only to see one hind leg of the fox-shaped monster turned into a white bone.

It was surrounded by a ray of light that Lin Yaoyang didn't know what color to describe.Is there still a slight vibration?

Every vibration made the fox monster frown, obviously suffering from extremely powerful pain.

" did this happen? This is a level [-] monster. What can hurt a level [-] monster like this?"

Both Lin Yaoyang and Ke Lie stared dumbfounded at the retreat of the fox monster. Manager Zhao and Ma Zhe didn't know the details of the fox monster, and only thought it was injured.

I can't understand what this injury actually represents.

After the fox beast was yelled at by Lin Yaoyang, it froze in place at first, and then its eyes suddenly flashed with fury.

When will such a weak Fire Rat be able to save himself like this?He has been a seventh-level monster for so many years, and no monster has dared to be so disrespectful to him!But... except for that existence...

The fox monster seems to have thought of something, thinking of the thing that made him into this ghostly appearance, the eyes of the fox monster began to flicker with fear, yes, it is fear, what is it like? Something that can make a seventh-level monster so scared.I really can't figure it out,

But then, the fox monster looked at Chang Wushu, with an angry light flashing in his eyes. He felt that his dignity had been provoked. Existence that challenged his dignity.

The fox monster roared at Chang Wuyu's low voice and said, "Fire Rat... Are you looking for death for yourself? Are you not alive enough?"
Chang Wushi was stunned for a while when he heard the fox monster address him, then lowered his head, looked at his furry hands, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Hehe! Someone will call me a fire mouse one day!"

Chang Wushi sat on Lin Yaoyang's shoulder and raised his hand, suddenly a blue flame flickered in his hand.

That blue flame, like a strange elf, suddenly sprang out from Chang Wushi's hand, and split into countless flowers in an instant.Yes, there are countless flowers, Lin Yaoyang only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and in an instant before him, countless small blue flame flowers appeared, blooming in various places.

When the fox monster moved in Chang Wushi's hand, it immediately tightened its body, and when it saw the blue flower in Chang Wushi's hand, its eyes were lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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