super decomposition system

Chapter 231 Collecting Tolls

Chapter 231 Collecting Tolls

Lin Yaoyang quickly looked at the hill-like kungfu and combat skills, and looked back on the way, and was shocked in his heart.

There are already some weaker monsters, completely entangled by the strange red light, their eyes are already blood red, and they start to rush towards those genius treasures desperately.

At the same time, the red light seemed to be the one who cast the net and began to gather it.

A strange energy sprang out from nowhere, and began to wrap around the kind of magical beast that had already been devoured by the red light from the back to the front, and began to engulf his body from the back.

That weird light, it can be said that wherever it goes, there are only bones left!Those magical beasts swallowed by the red light didn't even scream. In an instant, only white bones remained on their hind legs.

The side that was swallowed was as smooth as a mirror, and the devouring didn't stop, it was devouring madly towards their heads.

Finally, there is already a monster, and it has been completely swallowed up.

Even the magic core that fell out after the death of the monster was without exception, and was swallowed up by the strange light in an instant!

Lin Yaoyang was startled!This is the beginning!My time is running out!It must be because of my weak strength that I have not been missed by Hong Guang. If I wait until they are all swallowed up, it must be my turn!

Some magical beasts that still had some intelligence left, seeing this, all of them were frightened as if they were out of their wits, and began to forcibly cheer up their spirits, and began to prepare to run crazily back the way they came from!
Now they still dare to covet those geniuses and treasures, they only want to save their own lives.

However, there are still some powerful magical beasts, not only obtained some genius treasures from them, but also escaped from the red light unscathed even if they pulled out.

After they escaped, they didn't stay in this place for even a moment, and left this place without looking back with the treasures they had obtained. They were ready to return to their caves and enjoy the treasures they bought with their lives!

Those magical beasts that were affected by the red light but hadn't lost their sanity, they were still coming when they saw this, and they all became more impatient, and rushed forward desperately, lest they would fall behind.

However, because of this, a flaw appeared in their hearts, allowing the red light to penetrate into their minds better.

In an instant, several seventh-level monsters were completely immersed in the red light, and they turned around in an instant. They originally planned to escape from this ghostly place, but now they began to move in the direction of those geniuses and treasures.

At the same time, those weird rays of light are not idle, and they are coming up to enjoy the fruits of their victory!

Lin Yaoyang saw all this happening, his scalp exploded immediately!These terrifying seventh-level monsters are so vulnerable in front of this red light, why are you still messing around here, why don't you hurry up and seize the opportunity!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come down here!

Lin Yaoyang turned his head and didn't dare to be distracted anymore, because he felt it now, the red light had started to pay attention to him now, and there were more and more red lights surrounding him.


Lin Yaoyang heard a sound, and immediately realized that the protective cover that Chang Wushi blessed him just now must have broken!Lin Yo Ah Yang was startled and didn't dare to waste too much time.

God knows how long these protective shields can last.

Lin Yaoyang's movements were not slow, and soon he rushed to the front of these martial arts and combat skills.

Lin Yaoyang didn't care about Sanqi 21, he saw the exercises without exception, all of them were thrown aside, and when he saw the combat skills, as long as they had the base of Xuan characters, they all stuffed them into his arms in unison. .

In an instant, Lin Yaoyang was holding five or six books of combat skills in his bosom on his chest.

Originally, Lin Yaoyang planned to get more basic ones, because he had clearly seen a combat skill with a local character in front of him just now!
Needless to say, it must be an earth-level combat skill!But Chang Wushu's voice suddenly sounded next to Lin Yaoyang's ear.

"Stop being greedy! Come out! Or die!"

After Lin Yaoyang heard it, he was shocked in his heart!Immediately, he listened to Chang Wushu's words, and started running towards the outside of the red light at high speed.




The sound of the shattering protective cover rang in his ears one after another. The louder it was, the more frightened Lin Yaoyang was, and at the same time, the more anxious he became.

However, Lin Yaoyang is still calm in his heart. He just saw those monsters fell under the attack of the red light because of their impatience.

Lin Yaoyang learned their lessons, and did not dare to follow in their footsteps, it was a little too stupid to look like that.

Lin Yaoyang used the agility and combat skills taught by Klie to the extreme. The speed was extremely fast, but it was still much slower than those seventh-level monsters.

A few powerful seventh-level monsters saw Lin Yaoyang behind them and ran like this, thinking that Lin Yaoyang had obtained some incredible treasure.

A gleam of divine light flashed in his eyes, and he turned around, ready to stop Lin Yaoyang and intercept the treasure he had obtained.

However, after they saw that Lin Yaoyang's arms were full of martial arts and combat skills.

A trace of regret flashed in the eyes of those seventh-level monsters, and they thought of Chang Wushu above.If he really made a move on Lin Yaoyang, he would be retaliated by Chang Wushu if he went up.

Even if I go out into the red light in a while, I'm afraid I won't get good fruit from Chang Wushu's hands.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, these seventh-level monsters instantly changed their attention, and started to turn their heads again and gallop towards the outside world.

Now there are still many seventh-level monsters in this red light group, and all of them are running towards the outside without exception.

Those monsters who came in later saw that the situation was not right.Relying on his proximity to the edge of the circle, he actually started collecting travel expenses
Relying on the fact that they are less affected by the red light, if they don't hand over what they have obtained, they will block it in the red light.

Facing the importance of life.

(End of this chapter)

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