super decomposition system

Chapter 235 Warcraft Escape

Chapter 235 Warcraft Escape
Chang Wushi said with a wry smile on his face: "Okay! You don't have to mock me. This is just a feeling. No one can say clearly what will happen."

Qianyuan Monster Deer said: "Don't believe it, maybe your feelings will come true. When I met this kid, I proposed to take him as a disciple, but he didn't agree. There must be some kind of secret."

Chang Wushu's eyes stared, "You still want to take him as a disciple? How strange! You still have the idea of ​​taking him as a disciple?"

When Qianyuan Monster Deer said this, he seemed a little unhappy and said: "Yes! It's the first time I want to accept someone as a disciple, but I was rejected by others! You said that there is another martial artist who is like me. What a pity, the initiative to accept others as disciples was rejected!"

Qianyuan Monster Deer became more and more sad and angry as he talked, turned his head to Lin Yaoyang, and gave him a vicious look.

Lin Yaoyang had been standing not far from them and was eavesdropping on their conversations, but they suddenly lost their voice, and it seemed that they had switched to voice transmission.

All of a sudden, their complexions became brighter, and then they didn't know what to say, and the Qianyuan monster started to stare at him.

Lin Yaoyang's heart suddenly felt empty, and he quickly moved his head to the side, not daring to make any more movements.

How did Lin Yaoyang know that the two "big bosses" behind him thought of him so highly?

After chatting with Chang Wushi for a while, Qianyuan Monster Deer stopped and began to look at the field. Qianyuan Monster Deer came to Lin Yaoyang's side and looked at Lin Yaoyang with a strange expression.

He really doesn't understand why his old friend Chang Wushi thinks so highly of Lin Yaoyang, he is really a somewhat ordinary human being.

At the same time, he also couldn't understand why he proposed to accept Lin Yaoyang as a disciple in the first place.

Looking at this human being who was said by Chang Wushi to have the potential to become a Martial God, the Qianyuan Monster Deer felt a lot in his heart. In his opinion, Lin Yaoyang was really ordinary, not a powerful human being, nor a powerful human being. Not a very talented class.

But it's just being so highly regarded by Chang Wushi.

Chang Wushi stood by the edge of the pit. After those seventh-level monsters escaped from the red light, without exception, they all began to frantically run towards the outside of the circle, as if they were fighting for their lives. If you slow down a little bit, your life will be lost.

Not to mention those lucky guys who got the genius land treasure from the red light, they all ran so fast that they disappeared.

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the field. All the seventh-level monsters, and even some seventh-level monsters that had been affected by the red light, also came back to their senses at this time. It's my life.

All of them began to run away desperately towards the outside, and those monsters below level [-] all started to run desperately towards the treasure in the red light circle with red eyes.

Chang Wushi narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that this guy is now the one who has collected the net! Also, he has devoured so many seventh-level monsters and so much energy, even if he is a martial artist, it is enough He's had a jug."

Level seven, now it's like a watershed, all monsters above level seven can still run for their own lives with a trace of sanity, while those monsters at level six and below are not so lucky.

They can't control their bodies anymore, in fact they don't want to control them anymore, all the babies are in their eyes.

"Don't fight! Don't fight! Didn't you feel that the red light is getting stronger again? If you continue to fight, we will enter the red light again!"

Those monsters who were choking each other because of collecting tickets just now also stopped their movements. When they stopped, everyone was shocked. They seemed to be affected by some red light when they were fighting.

Before they knew it, they were getting closer and closer to the red light.

At this time, it was already almost sticking to the side of the red light. When they stopped, everyone's hairs stood on end in fright. Everyone stopped in tacit understanding, and then started to run crazily.

However, there was also a cruel and merciless person who turned over and threw a magical beast into the red light behind him when he was about to flee for his life.

The moment the seventh-level monster fell into the red light, it was enveloped by that strange energy.

He didn't even make a sound, but he disappeared immediately.

When those monsters saw this, they tacitly moved away from the monsters next to them. They were afraid that someone would stab them from behind and kill their own lives, which would be too much of a disadvantage.

Lin Yaoyang and his group standing on the top were amazed when they saw this scene, how many low-level monsters there were.They have all abandoned their previous cowardice at this time. You must know that in the past, if there were seventh-level monsters, no fifth-level monsters and sixth-level monsters would dare to show their heads.

The sense of territory among monsters is still very strong. Near the territory of a seventh-level monster, there may be no monsters in a radius of dozens of miles.

But today, things are completely different.In the eyes of these low-level monsters, there have long been no high-level monsters, and there are only those treasures.

In any scene, there must be hundreds of thousands, almost tens of thousands of monsters galloping towards the red light.

That kind of scene is grand, and sometimes it feels crowded, because there are too many monsters.Although the pit was huge, it couldn't stand being trampled by so many monsters.

For a moment, it was beasts squeezing beasts, all of them broke their heads and wanted to drill into some aperture.

But Lin Yaoyang and the others are alright here, the Qianyuan monster deer releases an energy halo, even if those monsters have red eyes, but still no one dares to get even a little bit closer to the surrounding area.

All of them avoided and walked away, which is really a bit miraculous, after all, this is a martial arts saint!Lin Yaoyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Looking at the Qianyuan Strange Deer in front of him, he was standing on the edge of the big pit with his hands behind his back, with a look of indifference. Thousands of monsters were galloping wantonly under his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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