super decomposition system

Chapter 260 The Might of the Lion's Roar

Chapter 260 The Might of the Lion's Roar
If that's the case, the combined combat skills they released would be the combined combat skills of only four people.

Although it is still powerful, its power is definitely not up to Wu Zong's level.

This guy only had a face-to-face fight with Lin Yaoyang, and he understood what a terrifying guy Lin Yaoyang was.

If they really wanted to single out one by one just now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough to put someone else's teeth.

It is estimated that one will die one by one, but fortunately, Lin Yaoyang chose to fight in groups.Only in this way would they have a chance, Lin Yaoyang also pushed himself into the abyss.

Now this guy still feels that Lin Yaoyang has no chance of surviving under their joint combat skills.

This is no wonder. Although Lin Yaoyang has a strong attack power, it is just a strong attack power. No matter how one person is, it is impossible to completely achieve the state of omnipotence. If his attack power is very strong, then it must be There are weaknesses.

Maybe it's full speed, or weak mental power, or poor defense. '

He also thought about Lin Yaoyang in the same way, but unfortunately, he thought wrongly. Lin Yaoyang is now in the realm of martial arts, so he really has no weakness at all!
Lin Yaoyang can be said to be an omnipotent existence now.

With the systematic decomposition function, which can disintegrate the attacks that Lin Yaoyang cannot withstand, and the devouring function of the power of the ant king, it can be said that Lin Yaoyang is not afraid of any attacks of the same realm.

Coupled with the agility and combat skills that Baizhang Tianzhu taught him, Lin Yaoyang has already perfected it with systematic help.

Maybe Lin Yaoyang doesn't know, but in fact, Lin Yaoyang is really the fastest one in the martial arts level in this world!

Although Lin Yaoyang is only at the first level of martial arts, it does not hinder Lin Yaoyang's speed at all. If Lin Yaoyang's level is improved, the speed will only be faster.

However, with the improvement of Lin Yaoyang's level, if he meets a Baizhang Tianzhu who is at the same level as himself, if the same Baizhang Tianzhu has perfected his companion skill, so far away. ,
Lin Yaoyang must be able to follow other people's butts and eat ashes!This is the impact of a good body technique!
But this sneak attack guy, he doesn't know this!He still stubbornly believes that Lin Yaoyang must have weaknesses to find, and he cannot be blamed for this, it is also human nature.

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for his bad luck, meeting such a monster like Lin Yaoyang.

With the help of that baby, that guy's body became illusory, as if he was about to become invisible,
Seeing this, Lin Yaoyang was furious!This guy actually wanted to hit himself and then just run away like this!How could this happen!
Lin Yaoyang didn't have any means of long-range attack.Originally, there should be nothing to do, because that guy's reaction can be said to be too unpleasant.

At the moment when a blow failed, he immediately turned around, then dodged and started to leave.

But how could Lin Yaoyang let him fulfill his wish so easily!
Lin Yaoyang yelled at that guy's back!
(End of this chapter)

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