Chapter 271
It is certain that Fatty's life will be in danger when he fights Lin Yaoyang.

The bearded leader really wanted to go up and rescue the fat man, but he didn't dare, yes, he just didn't dare, he has been the head of the sect for many years, and wherever he goes, as long as there are people who are in the same realm as him They always have to talk to him with a smile on their faces, even if they are people who have some trouble with him,

It is also not good to have too many verbal conflicts with him in public, as it would appear to be out of status.

He didn't know how long it had been since he felt afraid in front of someone.

Although the white-haired old man opposite had been staring at him with a smile on his face.

But even though they are both monks at the Martial Emperor level, the bearded leader always has a hairy feeling in his heart, and the hairs all over his body start to stand upside down.

He knew that this was his body calling the police, but it didn't make sense at all.

Logically speaking, this white-haired old man is just a Martial Emperor. Even if he is much stronger than himself, it is impossible for monks of the same realm to suppress each other like this. .

The bearded leader looked at the white-haired old man on the opposite side, who was the Qianyuan strange deer.

He only felt a chill in his heart. Although the white-haired old man had a smile on his face...but the bearded leader only felt that the white-haired old man was looking at him, and he was not alone at all.

More like a...a ferocious beast!
But the bearded leader didn't dare to make any movements at all, he just felt that his whole body was locked by the opponent.

Even the middle-aged man with a very stiff expression on the opposite side glanced at him, and there was a feeling of vicissitudes in his eyes.

That kind of fluctuation directly hit the heart of the bearded leader.

He didn't dare to take any action, he could only pray secretly for his disciples in his heart.

Now he doesn't even have the slightest thought to investigate the origin of the Qianyuan gang on the opposite side afterwards.

These people on the opposite side gave me a little bit of a scary feeling!
The bearded leader already believed in his heart that these people definitely had big backgrounds.

Moreover, they are unwilling to believe that they only have the strength of the Martial Emperor level.

Absolutely at least they have the strength of Wu Ji... What's more... If they are shocking powerhouses at the level of Martial Saints, the bearded leader will not be surprised at all now.

Just when the bearded leader was thinking about the origin of the opposite person in his mind.

Suddenly, there were two *cracks* at his feet.

The bearded leader knew without looking, that the two disciples must have woken up after fainting on the ground.

As for why they fainted for so long before waking up.

It's not that the bearded leader doesn't want to help them.

The bearded leader really had no choice. When he squatted down to check the two disciples, he only found that there was nothing strange in their bodies.

It's just that there is a very confusing feeling in my mind.

Other than that, there's nothing serious about it.The bearded leader is also very helpless about this.

(End of this chapter)

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