Chapter 285
He saw that some parts were still purple-black, and he knew it was a sign that the toxin had not completely dissipated.

He can also feel that although more than half of the purple-black energy has disappeared, there is still a very small part still remaining in his body to cause trouble.

Although the remaining part will not cause too much impact, the fat man still thinks it is a huge hidden danger.

But due to his limited strength, there is really no way to fight against the purple-black light. He can only wait until the matter is over and let his master solve it for him.

Although this toxin is very powerful, no matter how powerful it is, it is the toxin produced by a first-level spiritual weapon.

In front of a Martial Emperor, if he wanted to resolve it, it would definitely be easy, and he might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to make progress, which is also a matter of the slightest possibility.

Fatty was also very interested in Lin Yaoyang's Qi.Lin Yaoyang's Qi carried a strong feeling of wanting to devour everything.

Even if Fatty is an opponent, he can clearly feel this kind of aura, and Lin Yaoyang's aura is extremely thick and full of aggressiveness.Lin Yaoyang was able to control it so well, it was really not easy.

Although Lin Yaoyang's aura was black, the fat man couldn't feel any evil aura at all.

Fatty still didn't see the aura of a monk practicing sorcery from Lin Yaoyang's body.

If Lin Yaoyang knew what Fatty was thinking, he would probably be a little speechless.

He Qi also straightened up, and looked at her side, including herself and six other people, the same sect who fainted on the ground must not be able to expect him to be of any help to her combined combat skills.

He Qi grabbed the fellow student and gently placed it in a far away place. The female disciple looked at He Qi with a trace of gratitude in her eyes, which obviously had something to do with this person.

Seeing this, He Qi smiled and said nothing, then straightened her face and said to them: "Okay! My ice wall will not last long, and you will all stand on your own later. We have lost our position, we lost one person this time, so the power probably needs to be discounted, but it should be enough to deal with this kid. Give it your all, don’t hold back, you hear me!"

All of them nodded their heads tacitly.

Seeing this, He Qi also nodded, but didn't say much.

Then with a wave of his hand, everyone began to understand in an instant, and in an instant everyone stood together in a strange position.

It seems that everyone has their own specific position. When they stand together, they form a strange shape, but if you look carefully, this shape is exquisite.

That feeling is actually indescribably wonderful.This joint combat technique still has some tricks.

Standing behind the ice wall, Lin Yaoyang heard the commotion inside, and knew that they must have started to take action.

A happy face, is it finally about to start?

(End of this chapter)

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