super decomposition system

Chapter 287 Suppression

Chapter 287 Suppression
After Lin Yaoyang heard it, he raised his eyebrows instead. The name "Devil Demon Sword Formation" is very domineering, but he just doesn't know what the effect is like.

Lin Yaoyang glanced at his mouth, with a very indifferent look on his face.

He nodded and said to He Qi: "Oh! Combined combat skills, right! Hurry up, hurry up, release it quickly, I have to go home for dinner."

This is pure sarcasm, Lin Yaoyang has a teasing smile on his face, obviously he doesn't take him too seriously, the fact is also true, Lin Yaoyang really doesn't take him too seriously, = don't care about you Exactly how powerful the Devil Slaying Sword Formation is, it wasn't created by a group of children at the martial arts level.

What's more, with the help of the system, it must be a piece of cake to crack the Demon Slaying Sword Formation, and I have nothing to be afraid of.

If you feel that the power released by this combined combat skill is really beyond your ability to block, you just need to act in advance according to the system's instructions.

There is no psychological pressure in Lin Yaoyang's heart.

However, the more calm Lin Yaoyang looked on his face, the more he saw that everyone on the opposite side was itchy with hatred.

But it is true that there is no way to hold Lin Yaoyang a little bit.

Who makes others powerful? If you refuse to accept it, you are also a little stronger.

He Qi also knew that she couldn't continue the nonsense with Lin Yaoyang, otherwise she would be pissed off by Lin Yaoyang before the fight started.

He Qi waved his hand directly, and then signaled these people to start moving directly.

He Qi gave a light drink, "Devil Demon Sword Formation. Concentrate!"

The fellow disciples standing beside and behind He Qi nodded their heads at the same time when they heard it, and then all of them condensed a strange energy fluctuation at the same time.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the guys on the opposite side, he said your combined combat technique is Demon Slayer Sword Formation, Sword Formation and Sword Formation, but the weapons in the hands of these guys on the opposite side are not used by anyone at all. Of the sword.

The Qi condensed in the bodies of He Qi and the others gradually condensed countless strange symbols in the air.
And the speed is still very fast, Lin Yaoyang raised his brows, he thought it would take a long time for these guys to prepare for this combination combat skill.

But looking at the posture of their heads, it is not like this at all.

With the passage of time, Lin Yaoyang also gradually understood why this sword formation was called the Devil Slayer Sword Formation. The energy they condensed gradually formed a human figure in the air.

That human figure has no face, and its shape is very simple, but that human figure has a very powerful aura.

Although that kind of aura has not launched an offensive against Lin Yaoyang, it has already begun to suppress Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang was startled in his heart, the owner of this aura is probably the founder of the Demon Slayer Sword Formation, his strength is really amazing!

I'm afraid this kind of aura is not weak, at least it must have the strength of a seventh-level monster, which is martial arts among human beings!

(End of this chapter)

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