Chapter 309

The sound of the explosion, to He Qi's ears, was a loud slap in the face, resounding in his heart.

He Qi only felt that the face of her whole life was completely lost today. He Qi was held in his hand like a chicken by his master. She turned her head and looked in Lin Yaoyang's direction with resentment.

But when He Qi hit Lin Yaoyang, whose body was covered by black air, He Qi's breath immediately stagnated again.

The resentment in his eyes also became lighter, replaced by a look of fear. Even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, Lin Yaoyang's strength was really...too strong.

So strong that even though He Qi was two levels higher than Lin Yaoyang, she couldn't get up in the slightest to fight.

It is no longer as simple as looking up to him, He Qi just feels that she has long since lost the chance to see Lin Yaoyang on the road of cultivation.

The black aura on Lin Yaoyang's body wrapped around Lin Yaoyang's whole body, bringing Lin Yaoyang such an evil feeling.

Lin Yaoyang turned his head, noticed that He Qi was looking at him, and noticed that there was a trace of fear in He Qi's eyes, Lin Yaoyang smiled helplessly at He Qi.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't bear anything to this He Qi now, and even he felt that the blow he had given this guy was a little bit too big.

Every time he saw a little bit of hope, before he could be ecstatic for a long time, he was immediately shattered by himself.

Lin Yaoyang felt that this guy's Taoism would definitely be influenced by him, and he might have big problems in his future cultivation.

But Lin Yaoyang didn't intend to go up to be a confidant big brother and go up to enlighten him.

He wanted to put Lin Yayang to death before, but that was a firm matter, Lin Yaoyang never forgot about it.

How he mocked Lin Yaoyang, besides, no matter what, it was the opponent's start. No matter what the consequences are, they should have considered it before making a move.

Then it is the right thing to do if you make a move and win. After you lose, you need others to come up to comfort yourself.

Lin Yaoyang twitched his lips and turned around, then showed a triumphant smile at Qianyuan Monster Deer,

Seeing this, Qianyuan Monster Deer immediately turned black and snorted coldly, but this time he didn't say anything.

The Qianyuan Deer now feels that Lin Yaoyang is a little bit evil, and if he deals with him, if he doesn't use his own force, he will definitely suffer.

As a senior, it is certainly not uncommon for him to take action against a junior like him, so I can only say a few words to him and quarrel a little.

Ke Lie standing behind looked at Lin Yaoyang with contempt on his face. Even if Lin Yaoyang glared at Ke Lie this time, Ke Lie had no intention of restraining himself. He obviously despised Lin Yaoyang's way of winning.

Lin Yaoyang also blushed a little.

Ma Zhe looked at Lin Yaoyang speechlessly, obviously feeling that he was worrying about Brother Lin for nothing.

Lin Yaoyang smiled at Ma Zhe.

On the contrary, Manager Zhao was looking at Lin Yaoyang with a terrified expression, wondering what was going on in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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