Chapter 325 Cracks
People who can cultivate to the level of Martial Saints are absolutely worthy of my respect. No matter whether they are righteous or evil, they are people with the talents of heaven. What right do I have to disrespect them.

They are a symbol of absolute force. After knowing that the Qianyuan Strange Deer is a martial saint, Huang He is not at all surprised that the Qianyuan Strange Deer can do this.

If a martial saint can't deal with a martial emperor to this extent, then it's called an accident!

However, those juniors like He Qi couldn't guess that kind of realm. They were really too young. Human beings are like gods.

He usually hides and cannot come out. How could this old man with a hippie smile on the opposite side be a martial saint?

If they knew that the unsmiling middle-aged man opposite was a martial saint, they might still believe a little bit, after all, in their opinion.

It's obviously Chang Wushi, with a little bit of the unique aura of a martial artist, and the mountain collapses before it is not chaotic.

Here, the Qianyuan Strange Deer, Zhang Heihu’s eyes are full of begging, but Qianyuan Strange Deer sees it in his eyes, so he doesn’t care about it. He has killed countless people. He just let them go by looking at himself with such pitiful eyes.

Then he Qianyuan Monster Deer has died for a long time without knowing how many times, how can he still stand here and become a generation of martial saints, it is simply a joke.

The Qianyuan monster deer will not be merciful to the enemy at all. After smiling at Zhang Heihu again, he waved his hand and said, "Goodbye~"

Hearing this, Zhang Heihu's pupils shrank immediately, and then he looked at Qianyuan Monster Deer's hand, staring intently at it.

Qianyuan Monster Deer turned his head and said to Lin Yaoyang: "Boy, look carefully, and I'll show you another trick."

Lin Yaoyang nodded quickly, this kind of opportunity is rare, to see a martial arts master show his supernatural power in front of him, this is an opportunity that no one can ask for.

Chang Wushi's hand was surrounded by a ball of white light, Lin Yaoyang felt a little familiar, only felt that the white light was familiar.

Then he immediately realized that this was the white light that was sent by the Qianyuan monster deer to save him.

Is Qianyuan Monster Deer going to send Zhang Heihu away?This is really a little too easy, but Lin Yaoyang just thought about it in his heart and didn't say it out. He didn't believe that the Qianyuan monster would let Zhang Heihu go so easily.

I'm afraid it won't be a good place to be teleported there.

Sure enough, with a wave of the Qianyuan Deer's hand, a strange fluctuation suddenly filled the air, and then a crack seemed to be torn open in the air for no reason.

The inside of the crack was pitch black, and everything around the crack was involuntarily sucked in.

Lin Yaoyang looked into that crack, but saw nothing, what kind of darkness is complete darkness.

Even if the rift opened a hole in the air, and some light shone in, but the ray seemed to be swallowed by some rift.

(End of this chapter)

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