super decomposition system

Chapter 339 Turn around and run

Chapter 339 Turn around and run
In case it is really a strong man of Wuji level, if they go up to besiege rashly, although they are numerous and powerful, they will definitely have a chance to kill him, but those who take the lead will definitely die miserably .

After all, it is Wuji, so the strength is still here. Although they also want treasures, they can still see clearly which is more important than their own lives.

The man with scars on his face saw that there were not many people who were willing to come up to help.

Cursed secretly in my heart: "It's a bunch of bastards!" Then I looked at the guys who followed me up, there were two second-level martial emperors, and three first-level martial emperors , the strength is not very good.

This guy is just a fourth-level Martial Emperor. These people seem to be willing to fight with him, but these people are all big and three thick, and they look stupid, which makes him feel a little unconfident in his heart. .

That Wu Ji stood opposite, looking at that guy, knowing that he couldn't wait for him to make the first move, it seems that the effect of killing chickens and monkeys by himself just now is still not obvious, although if the guy on the opposite side gets entangled with those people next to him, I can also solve it myself, but after all, the opposite side is also a group of Martial Emperors, and it will still be a little troublesome to solve it.

It's better to preemptively use the power of thunder to kill this guy directly. It must be able to bluff these people.

After Wu Ji thought of this, he made some calculations in his heart, and then his body started to move.

This time, Wu Lian's body also started to move, and there were two blue figures who looked like him with him. Yes, the blue figure has changed from the previous one to two. .

The two blue figures are holding a spear in their hands.Accompanied by this Wu Ji on one left and one on the right, rushing forward together with him.

The speed of this Martial Extreme cannot be counted as high among monks of the same level. After all, he is not a traditional monk, but specializes in spiritual power. Compared with ordinary monks, he is a little bit slack in terms of physical body. .

The attack method he is good at is not close combat, but the use of magic to invade other people's minds, affect him, and then go forward to kill.

Even if there is a large difference in strength, he can control his mind and make him commit suicide.

However, even if the speed is a little slower compared to the same level, but no matter what, he is still a martial artist, no matter what, he is much faster than the opposite Martial Emperor.

Just when the Martial Emperor had just reacted, before he had time to react, Wu Ji had already rushed forward with his two blue figures.

The Martial Emperor with a face full of scars suddenly sank in his heart, knowing that something was wrong, this guy's strength is indeed very powerful.

He only showed a little bit of speed, the Martial Emperor knew that this was definitely not something he could contend with.

He immediately turned around and wanted to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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