super decomposition system

Chapter 376 Sorry, There Are 5

Chapter 376 Sorry, There Are Five
Director Zhao hasn't spoken for a long time, he was really shocked by what he saw and heard today, four martial saints, no, five martial saints, he has seen five martial saints in total. Although Meng Servant and Chang Wushi have not recovered to their peak strength.

But that is also a real martial arts expert, and as a result, I saw five directly today!

On weekdays, Director Zhao would be respectful and respectful when he saw a monk at the Wuhuang level, but he had never seen a monk at the Wuji level.

Today, it is true that five martial arts masters came out in one jump. How can he not be surprised by Mr. Zhao.

Manager Zhao didn't speak along the way, but just thought about the things that just happened in his mind, which was a little too shocking for him.

Director Zhao was quite righteous, and he gave Lin Yaoyang a hand to help carry that Ma Zhe while walking.

The black-robed woman walked beside Lin Yaoyang, and Lin Yaoyang said with a strange expression: "Lin did you have a relationship with such a powerful martial artist?"

Lin Yaoyang saw the black-robed woman talking to him, smiled at the black-robed woman, and then said to the black-robed woman with some embarrassment: "Let me tell you, they all came to the door by themselves, you Do you believe it?"
Guo Yuehong rolled a blank look at Lin Yaoyang, how could he believe such words, the martial sage would come and take the initiative to find Lin Yaoyang?He thought that Lin Yaoyang was unwilling to tell him the truth at the time, but Guo Yuehong didn't ask too much.

Lin Yaoyang gave a wry smile, knowing that Guo Yuehong definitely didn't believe what he said, but it's okay not to ask, he didn't bother to explain anymore.

Guo Yuehong walked beside Lin Yaoyang, sighing as he walked, "Four warriors at the level of Martial Saints... and each of them has such a high level of cultivation. Even Daddy is only a first-level Martial Saint."

Lin Yaoyang looked at Guo Yuehong in surprise and said, "Your father is also a martial artist?"

Guo Yuehong heard Lin Yaoyang's question, then nodded to Lin Yaoyang with a proud light on his face and said, "Yes! My father is also a Martial Saint, but only at the first level."

Lin Yaoyang smacked his mouth and said: "A first-level martial artist is also scary, okay. By the way, I want to correct you."

Guo Yuehong was a little puzzled: "Huh?"

Lin Yaoyang said to Guo Yuehong with some embarrassment: "Actually, there are not four martial sages, but five."

Guo Yuehong's face immediately changed when he heard the words, and he lost his voice and said, "Five? Who is the other one?"

Lin Yaoyang smiled and said to Guo Yuehong: "Do you still remember the fire mouse on my shoulder?"

Guo Yuehong looked at Lin Yaoyang with wide eyes and said, "You said that the fire mouse sitting on your shoulder is also a martial artist? My God? The martial artist is sitting on your shoulder?"

Lin Yaoyang said: "That's the famous Yeheng old demon... the eighth-level martial saint..."

Guo Yuehong took a deep breath, and now she was completely speechless, eighth-level Martial Saint, even if she was the jewel of a big family, he had never come into contact with such a level of terrifying existence.

As an eighth-level Martial Saint, Guo Yuehong just thought about it before, but he has never seen a real strong person of that level appear in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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