super decomposition system

Chapter 403 Is My Confidante

Chapter 403 Is My Confidante
Hearing this, Lin Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Okay! Okay! My Lin family is blessed to have you."

Obviously Lin Qingshan is very proud of Lin Yaoyang, just kidding, it has been many years since the Lin family has produced a strong man of martial arts level again, the only strong man in the family is the great elder who has never seen the end of the dragon. It is actually no different from not having this person who has been retreating for many years.

Besides, even in the whole Qingye Town, there will be no young Wu Lian like Lin Yaoyang, okay?

It is completely impossible to say that Lin Qingshan is not proud, this is his son.

Lin Yaoyang did not stop his father from being in such a happy state. Lin Yaoyang's mother, Mrs. Xu, also came out after hearing the news. Naturally, she was overjoyed to see Lin Yaoyang.

However, before Mrs. Xu said a few words to Lin Yaoyang, she just noticed Guo Yuehong behind Lin Yaoyang. Mrs. Xu looked Guo Yuehong up and down a few times. When Mrs. Xu saw a woman with such a role as Guo Yuehong, her natural eyes couldn't stop heterochromatic.

Xu looked at Guo Yuehong, then at Lin Yaoyang, the joy in his eyes couldn't be stopped, and the way Lin Yaoyang looked at his mother became more and more strange.

Immediately, it felt bad.

Guo Yuehong is as smart as she is, so she can naturally understand what Lin Yaoyang's mother Xu is thinking about.

Lin Yaoyang hurriedly pulled Ma Zhe and Guo Yuehong to introduce him: "Dad, this is my friend, Ma Zhe, and this... this is Guo Yuehong!"

Suddenly, Ke Lie, who was standing next to Lin Yaoyang, did not know what kind of secret method he used, his voice became exactly the same as Lin Yaoyang's, and he continued with a sentence suddenly.

"It's my confidante!"


Even after Ma Zhe heard this sentence, he spit out a mouthful of warm water in his mouth.

Lin Yaoyang's face turned green all of a sudden, of course he didn't say this, and he immediately reacted.The pig Kled must be playing tricks here.

He couldn't let his parents know that it was the pig talking, otherwise he would have to scare them to death.

After Guo Yuehong heard what she said, she immediately blushed.Standing behind Lin Yaoyang, he didn't see Lin Yaoyang's expression and didn't pay attention to Ke Lie.

He thought it was really Lin Yaoyang who said it, but his hands moved to Lin Yaoyang's lower back without moving.

Two fingers gently lifted a piece of soft flesh on Lin Yaoyang's waist, and then gently twisted it.

Lin Yaoyang's already green face suddenly became ugly again.

It started to show a hint of red.

Lin Yaoyang knew that this topic could not continue.

Lin Yaoyang glanced at Ke Lie with a ferocious face, only to see Ke Lie secretly laughing while hugging his mouth.

After noticing that Lin Yaoyang looked at her again, he didn't restrain himself at all.
Lin Yaoyang turned around, pretended to be calm and pretended that nothing happened just now, and said to his father Lin Qinghe: "Dad, I may have to go out to practice for a while, Qingye Town is really too small. "

(End of this chapter)

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