super decomposition system

Chapter 426 Young Master Lin, Let's Concede

Chapter 426 Young Master Lin, Let's Concede

Emperor Wu's face was cloudy and he said to Lin Shao dissuadingly: "Lin Shao...or we will admit it and leave quickly. If we drag it on here, we will change later!"

That Lin Shao also looked at the opposite person with a complicated expression. He naturally understood what the Emperor Wu meant to him, and he was a little bit unwilling in his heart, but what can he do if he is unwilling, he is not a fool , naturally understood what Emperor Wu said.

After thinking for a long time, he nodded unwillingly to Emperor Wu, then snorted coldly, and threw a heavy money bag at Shopkeeper Huang.

He said angrily to Shopkeeper Huang, "Treasurer Huang, this is an apology! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he strode directly towards the outside of the hotel door, but it really looked like he was running away in despair.

Those followers also immediately followed Lin Shao's footsteps. Lin Yaoyang knew that this was not even sitting hot, but he had formed a relationship with a powerful force.

And Lin Yaoyang was sure that someone would definitely come to investigate them, but Lin Yaoyang was not afraid, anyway, they wouldn't stay here for long, at worst, they just pat their butts and leave.

When they are far away, the world is so big, where can I find them.

The shopkeeper Huang was holding the money bag in his hand tremblingly, his face turned pale, and he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Lin Yaoyang stepped forward and said to shopkeeper Huang whose legs were still fighting: "Shopkeeper, is there any room available now?"

Shopkeeper Huang just wanted to shake his head, but when he thought about what happened just now, he immediately began to nod frantically, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes, guest officer, please."

Lin Yaoyang immediately said with a smile on his face: "Shopkeeper, how much do we have to pay?"

Upon hearing this, shopkeeper Huang dared to accept Lin Yaoyang's money, and immediately shook his head frantically and said, "No, no, no, just treat it as a gift to some objective people!"

Lin Yaoyang nodded his head in satisfaction, then waved to Ma Zhe and the others, and the group followed the trembling shopkeeper towards the upstairs of the hotel.

All the diners followed behind were the awe-inspiring gazes. After they went up, for a while, everything below was silent.

It took a while for someone to say slowly: "What a fierce person, to let the Lin family suffer such a big loss. It's a little bit too scary."

The people next to him couldn't stop nodding their heads and saying, "That's right...the young Wu Zong is really a little bit scary. This doesn't look like a human being at all!"

On the contrary, some courageous people showed excited expressions on their faces and said: "Hey! There must be a good show this time. This auction actually attracted such a terrifying person. I don't know what will happen. What happened?"

But when the person next to this guy heard it, he looked at him with disdain and said, "Even if there is a good show to watch, what does it matter to you? Are you eligible to participate in that auction? I'm afraid you didn't even have the tickets There is no chance to get it, and it’s still a good show, and it doesn’t matter how much you weigh!”

"Hey! What are you talking about!"

(End of this chapter)

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