super decomposition system

Chapter 435 Be a Spearman

Chapter 435 Be a Spearman
After Lin Yaoyang heard what Mr. Zhao said, he was also stunned. How long has this happened? How could everyone know what happened so quickly.

Lin Yaoyang predicted in his heart in advance that this matter would definitely ferment very quickly, but he really didn't expect that it would come to this point.

This is really a little bit unreasonable.

Director Zhao continued to say to Lin Yaoyang: "Brother Lin, I don't think this matter is simple. It's only been how long what happened here. Even if others know about it, it should be limited to such a place. How could it be With such an exaggeration, even the beggars on the side of the road know that there is a group of people, Lin Shao of Jiangliu City choked, and let him go home deflated, that is really a little bit of nonsense."
Lin Yaoyang nodded earnestly after Mr. Zhao's analysis. This matter really cannot be ignored.

Lin Yaoyang knew that they were most likely being targeted by others. Maybe the people who were targeting them didn't want to do anything to Lin Yaoyang and the others, but most likely just wanted to use Lin Yaoyang's excuses. This pool of water in Jiangliu City It's just confusing.

It seems that their own group is planning to be used by others.

Lin Yaoyang felt a little unhappiness in his heart, after all, no matter who is being targeted by others for no reason, it is not happy.

Lin Yaoyang ruthlessly picked up a large piece of pickled pork in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth, and then ruthlessly refused, with a ferocious expression on his face, as if he was chewing on someone behind the scenes.

Manager Zhao was a little confused by Lin Yaoyang's actions, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "Lin... Brother Lin, are you not in a hurry?"
"Ah! Fat and thin are suitable, it's cool!"
Lin Yaoyang expressed his sincere admiration for the innermost piece of meat, and then said to Mr. Zhao: "Worried? Why are we so anxious, anyway, they can't touch us a few hairs, we are here to pass by, and we are not He came here to do business, who cares who he offends, we sleep today and slip away tomorrow, what are we afraid of?"
Manager Zhao immediately relaxed when he heard the words, yes, anyway, they can't do anything to them. Manager Zhao also knows the existence of the Dream Thieves in Ma Zhe's head. Even if the existence of the Super Martial Saint cannot sweep Jiangliu City, if someone wants to act wildly in front of him, it is impossible to happen.

Anyway, Lin Yaoyang was not in a hurry, what was he in a hurry for running errands, Director Zhao shrugged his shoulders, and immediately ran away from the matter.

Looking at the piles of steaming meals on the table, he also started to rub his hands with his index finger.

The two guys, Kelie and Ma Zhe, didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and they were desperately stuffing things into their stomachs.

After Ma Zhe took a bath for Kelie, the relationship between them seemed to be drawn into each other. It was actually one person and one pig, and you drank one cup of another.It seems that he is still muttering something in a low voice, "Brothers are good, three six nine." The same thing as the drinking order,

(End of this chapter)

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