Chapter 440

Where do you need to talk so much nonsense with Lin Yaoyang and the others, just grab them directly, and if you really have support, you can also clean them up together.

The mysterious person didn't do anything, apparently he didn't know whether Lin Yaoyang and the others were helping.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't see the real face of this person, and naturally he couldn't see what the strength of this person was. However, he could guess it. This person must be a martial arts level person who is very good at concealment. of the strong.

Compared with many martial saints, this skill of concealing breath is impossible. If one becomes a strong martial arts master, such a person is a natural assassin, and it can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

Just kidding, where you can't even find people, what do you use to guard against them?
Moreover, Lin Yaoyang felt that this person's ability might also have a certain illusion ability, because Lin Yaoyang keenly felt that the moment this mysterious strong man appeared, Lin Yaoyang couldn't hear other voices from the outside world.

The sound of the update just now has not completely disappeared, and now it seems to be cut off suddenly and forcibly by something. They may have fallen into some kind of illusion.

However, Lin Yaoyang is not afraid of this guy's illusion at all. Just kidding, there is an ancestor playing illusion in Ma Zhe's head. What are you crazy about?

The strong man at the martial arts level was obviously a little annoyed by being provoked again and again by a junior like Lin Yaoyang.

He, a strong man of martial arts level, was constantly provoked by Lin Yaoyang, a little guy of martial arts level, and he was still unable to make a move. If he had to be timid, he was naturally very aggrieved.

Moreover, this person wandered outside for a long time, but he couldn't see what support Lin Yaoyang and the others had to get out of his hands.

Now it looks like he is trying to scare himself off by forcing a smile and pretending to be calm.

It is impossible for him to tolerate such a thing happening, his figure appeared at the window where Lin Yaoyang and Guo Yuehong were standing before.

Now that window was closed by Lin Yaoyang, a black figure suddenly appeared outside, which naturally startled these people.

Lin Yaoyang saw the black shadow, and immediately saw the level mark on the black shadow's head, the fourth-level martial arts, Lin Yaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, it is very simple for the waiter to take care of a fourth-level martial arts ,

Lin Yaoyang was not so nervous anymore, and yelled loudly at the black shadow: "Stand behind the window and pretend to be a ghost and do something. If you have the ability, come in and arrest us."

The mysterious man didn't reply to Lin Yaoyang, but suddenly there was an invisible huge black hand, and it grabbed towards Lin Yaoyang and the others.
That big hand stretched out extremely huge, as if wanting to wipe out Lin Yaoyang and his group all at once.

Lin Yaoyang's complexion changed, and he scolded angrily: "You have such a big appetite!"

Kled also yelled: "I promise you will die!"

The mysterious man snorted coldly and said, "You juniors are really noisy."
(End of this chapter)

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