Chapter 492
He Qingyuan's eyes were wide open, and he stared at He Zhi who was sitting next to him, if it was really the little pig standing on Lin Yaoyang who was talking just now.

That's a little too amazing!You know, for a monster to be able to speak human words, it doesn't have to reach a certain level, at least it needs to reach the strength of a human being's Wuji level.

But what kind of martial saint-level strength did they feel from Klie's body? It was clearly just a little pig who couldn't even practice martial arts, and his strength was frighteningly weak.If it weren't for the fact that he was a Baizhangtian pig, He Qingyuan probably wouldn't have looked at Klie even more on weekdays.

But now this weak Kled actually spoke not far from them!

How can this not shock them!If there is no problem with their perception, either Kret is very powerful, but this possibility can basically be ruled out. How can there be a strong man at the martial arts level who can be bullied by the kid next to him like Lin Yaoyang.

Then there is only one result!That is, I don't know what happened to this Baizhangtian pig. At such a young age, its intelligence has been fully activated, and it can even speak human words like a high-level monster!

This is not a trivial matter. They haven't heard of many monsters that can do this level, but which ones they have heard, after they grow up, all of them have become terrifying monsters that can dominate one side!
He Qingyuan and He Zhi stared at each other, but they didn't know what kind of expression they would have if they knew that Klein was actually the son of the patriarch of the Baizhang Tianzhu clan. Even more surprised!
Lin Yaoyang and the others didn't know that their actions had been heard clearly by He Qingyuan and the others, and they were still discussing here on their own.

After Ke Lie was frightened by Lin Yaoyang for a few words, he didn't intend to show off any more, and started to talk seriously, and said to Lin Yaoyang and the others: "Look at the body of this mixed-breed Invincible Tiger. Pattern. Which kind of black pattern is clearly able to compete with Wujieshenhu's original pattern. It has not faded at all because of Wujieshenhu's bloodline. If this is the case, it is clearly another bloodline that is equally powerful !"

After Kelie finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to fall into a state of contemplation. Lin Yaoyang looked at the mixed-breed Wujie Shenhu below. It was really the same as what Kelie said. The black one The pattern and the purple pattern are intertwined together, and there is no one-sided situation of the unique purple pattern belonging to Wujieshenhu.

Even... There is even a faint hint that the black pattern is going to be turned upside down!

Lin Yaoyang was surprised, it had to be a bloodline after all, Wujieshenhu was already the top monster bloodline on this continent, and it was really unbelievable that there was another bloodline that could rival Wujieshenhu's bloodline!
Guo Yuehong also moved up with his head, and He Qingyuan and the others, after Kret's narration, also set their sights on the Wujie Shenhu below.

(End of this chapter)

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