super decomposition system

Chapter 646 1 person 1 half

Chapter 646

Lin Yaoyang sat cross-legged in the cauldron, and when he heard Guo Sihai's words, he was so angry that his teeth itch. What is this? Treat him as a human-shaped self-propelled medicinal plant?He also wants to refine himself into medicine to perfect himself.

Then came Guo Sihai's voice again: "I really don't know how a little trash like you can take this whole unicorn elixir without being blown up. It really doesn't make sense. Don't you It's a little bit strange to be blown up by the effect of this unicorn's undead medicine. Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, this is the unicorn's undead medicine. When you refine it into medicine, you will be divided into two parts, let My grandson Guo Chuchen also came to eat half of it. I think it will take a few hundred years for my grandson to become a martial god again. I am the leader. Hahahaha! Kid, I will accept Guo Yuehong instead of my grandson."

Guo Sihai seemed to know that these words could anger Lin Yaoyang, and said to Lin Yaoyang in the cauldron in a very unbeatable tone.

"Boom! Boom!"

Sure enough, this worked very well for Lin Yaoyang. After Lin Yaoyang heard this, he immediately waved his fist and began to smash the cauldron, trying to smash the wall of the cauldron and escape.However, I don't know what kind of material this cauldron is made of. Lin Yaoyang simply couldn't get it right. Sitting in this cauldron, he was so angry that his scalp tingled.

He yelled at Guo Sihai outside: "You old man, you want to refine me into medicine? Be careful not to eat it in your stomach and poison yourself to death."

Lin Yaoyang now has no hope of escaping, the only hope is that Guo Yuehong can bring his father to find him as soon as possible.

Lin Yaoyang took a deep breath, Guo Sihai outside was obviously in a good mood now, after hearing Lin Yaoyang's disrespectful words, instead of being annoyed, he began to sing a little song while preparing for his own affairs up.

Suddenly, Lin Yaoyang only felt that the bottom of the cauldron furnace was hot when he was sitting under his buttocks, and Lin Yaoyang immediately realized that it was Guo Sihai, an old man, who still started the furnace.

Lin Yaoyang only found that the inside of the cauldron started to light up immediately. It turned out that there were two fire outlets, and two groups of flames came in from the outside, surrounding Lin Yaoyang.

Now Lin Yaoyang was able to see clearly what the inside of the cauldron looked like, only to see that what he was sitting under his buttocks were all black dregs of medicine.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't figure it out, this Guo Sihai was too careless, in such a harsh environment, he planned to start refining such a precious medicine as the unicorn medicine?

Are you not afraid of the negative impact these dregs will bring to you?

However, Lin Yaoyang immediately knew that he was thinking too much, and only saw the two flames coming in.

Lin Yaoyang immediately summoned his own qi to protect his body, which two balls of flames failed to swallow Lin Yaoyang, and turned to those black medicine residues under Lin Yaoyang's body.

In an instant, those medicine dregs immediately turned into nothingness when they touched the flame, and Lin Yaoyang was shocked when he saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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