Chapter 649
After all, this is just a trace of breath absorbed from Lin Yaoyang's body. If Lin Yaoyang is really refined into a pot of medicine by then, the effect will be terrifying.

Will he be able to use this to rush to the title of warrior?Guo Sihai has already started to think in his own mind, sitting on the position of the Patriarch of the Guo family, how prestige he is.

At this time, inside the stone room, a long-lost sensation came. Lin Yaoyang sat inside to break through, and Guo Sihai sat outside to meditate, eating the meat that leaked from Lin Yaoyang's teeth.

Another hour passed, and Guo Sihai only felt that he was about to be promoted after a long absence. At the same time, he also frowned a little strangely at this cauldron.

It's really strange, after this Lin Yaoyang was thrown in by himself, he didn't let out a scream from the beginning to the end, it's really strange.

Is this kid really so stubborn?

It shouldn't be, and now that such a long time has passed, even if a strong man of the Wuji level is restrained, tied inside and refined like this, it should be turned into a puddle of water.

Thinking of this, Guo Sihai felt better again.

However, he didn't know how comfortable Lin Yaoyang was staying here at this moment. His cultivation base was now completely stable at the level of the third-level Martial Emperor.

This kind of state that is at the same level of martial arts as myself is simply a feeling of heaven and earth, which makes people unable to control themselves.

Lin Yaoyang only feels that he is now the real one who can start to be called a little powerful.

At the same time, Lin Yaoyang opened his finger again, only to see the blood oozing from the finger, and now most of it has turned into water blue.

However, there is still this small smear of dark red mixed in the water blue, Lin Yaoyang knows that when his blood completely turns into water blue, he can truly be called a human king body .

There is really a chance to become a martial god, and it is quite a chance!
Lin Yaoyang was sitting in the cauldron. At this moment, there were no balls of light floating in the cauldron. The top medicinal materials that Guo Sihai threw in were all used as wedding dresses for Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and then suddenly couldn't help it.


A full belch flew out of his throat, Lin Yaoyang was immediately stunned.

Although the sound was not loud, Lin Yaoyang and Guo Sihai were the only two people in the stone room, and they didn't make a sound, which made the belching sound even louder.

After Guo Sihai heard the sound of belching, he was stunned immediately, and then he dug out his ears in disbelief, his face changed color.

Said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you really have two brushes, you can resist it for so long, and it seems that there is nothing wrong. Okay, you wait for me. on."

Hearing the sound of Guo Sihai getting up, Lin Yaoyang's heart tensed immediately, and then he was ready to fight Guo Sihai desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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