super decomposition system

Chapter 665 The annoying Kled

Chapter 665 The annoying Kled
After rushing to Lin Yaoyang's hand, Lin Yaoyang immediately took his hand back. Lin Yaoyang was stunned, but immediately came back to his senses, knowing that this must be an enchantment arranged for him.

However, Lin Yaoyang's serious expression flickered again, he could naturally feel that the effect of this enchantment was really a bit weak, and his own strength could definitely break it easily.

He didn't believe that Guo Yuehong's father didn't know this, it was impossible, so this meant that the existence of this barrier was just a decoration, but why did it do it like this?
After Lin Yaoyang thought of this, he decided not to go out. Lin Yaoyang believed that with Guo Yuehong around anyway, nothing serious would happen to him. If his father wanted to do something to him, he would have already done so.

I killed an elder of their Guo family's martial arts level, which is an immeasurable loss.

Lin Yaoyang turned back and decided to wait for the development of the matter. He was not afraid of the development of the matter. Now that he became the Martial Emperor, Lin Yaoyang really felt that the power in his hands could be put on the table a little bit.

However, before Lin Yaoyang stayed in the room for a long time, he heard a rustling sound coming from outside.

"Hey! Isn't it here?"

"That's right, I spent a few magic cores to bribe a member of the Guo family to find out that Lin Yaoyang is here. There's nothing wrong with that. If that kid dares to lie to me, I won't take his skin off."

After Lin Yaoyang heard this voice, he was stunned immediately. Isn't this the voice of Kret, and the voice of Bald Ma Zhe, they found this place.

Lin Yaoyang looked happy, it seemed that they had a good stay here, and Guo Yuehong treated them well.

Lin Yaoyang walked to the door and called out, "Kret! I'm here!"

"Hey! Did you hear Lin Yaoyang's voice?"

Lin Yaoyang only heard footsteps coming from outside the door, Lin Yaoyang hurriedly said: "Okay, you can say what you want to say outside the door, there is an enchantment on this door."

I only heard Kelie yelling loudly from outside the door: "Ah? Why don't you let us in, Lin Yaoyang, are you really like the rumors outside, turning into a pig's face? This is not okay, what should I do? It’s even more important to get to know each other.”

Hearing this, Lin Yaoyang was in a good mood because of his partner's arrival, but his face turned dark instantly.

"Believe it or not, I came out and tore you apart!"

"Brother Lin, it's great that you're fine!"

Lin Yaoyang heard Ma Zhe's voice again.

"I'm fine, how are you doing at Guo's house?"

Before Ma Zhe could speak, Ke Lie yelled first, yelling at Lin Yaoyang: "Damn it, Guo Yuehong is nice to us, that's nothing to say, but in this Guo family, I don't know who is What's going on, from the first elder to the fourth elder, and an old bastard named Guo Sihai, they really don't like to see us, and there are also many juniors who roll their eyes when they see us. We were sneering, but because Ma Zhe is too strong, these guys just dare to talk."

(End of this chapter)

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