Chapter 678

But Guo Yuehong's father and the Supreme Elder both knew that this shock wave could not be allowed to wreak havoc on the Guo family's castle at will, otherwise, the entire Guo family might be destroyed.

Although they disagree, it is impossible for the Guo family, which was passed down from their ancestors, to be destroyed by their own infighting.

If that's the case, the reputation will be rotten, and the two sides are still very restrained.The aftermath of the explosion was drawn into the sky.

Lin Yaoyang was finally able to stand still. At this time, the elder Taishang and Guo Yuehong's father were just trying to test each other.

There wasn't really a big fight.

The Supreme Elder said to Guo Yuehong's father: "Guo Ruisheng, I never thought you would have reached this level."

After Lin Yaoyang heard it, his ears moved, Guo Ruisheng, is this the name of Guo Yuehong's father?

Guo Ruisheng's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, and he said to the elder Taishang: "Elder, you are joking, haven't you already entered the realm of martial arts for many years?"

After the Supreme Elder heard it, he didn't say much, but looked directly at Lin Yaoyang. Lin Yaoyang was immediately smart when he was stared at by the Supreme Elder. After Guo Ruisheng saw it, his face turned cold, and he dodged to block the Supreme Elder's attack. line of sight.

He opened his mouth and said: "The elder Taishang has been in seclusion for many years, and it is a great blessing for our Guo family to successfully escape from the seclusion. Why don't we find another place where we can communicate with each other?"

After the elder Taishang heard Guo Ruisheng's words, he sneered, and then said to Guo Ruisheng: "The master has a heart, the old man has just left the customs, and he needs to go back to stabilize his realm. If the old man's state has adjusted, naturally I will go to the Patriarch to talk about it."

After finishing speaking, the Supreme Elder took another deep look at Lin Yaoyang, and then looked at the surrounding air with a strange look in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

In the end, his figure flashed, and he disappeared here. Only the corpse of Guo Zhengxin, who was lying on the ground and his body was gradually getting cold, was left in the middle of the field. His wife was already dead. know where to go.

After Guo Ruisheng saw that the Supreme Elder had left, he appeared next to Lin Yaoyang, looked at Guo Zhengxin's body on the ground, and there was a trace of undisguised disgust in his eyes.

It can be seen how much Guo Ruisheng hates this Guo Zhengxin, then Guo Ruisheng looked at Lin Yaoyang again, and said to him: "Your strength really cannot be underestimated."

However, Guo Ruisheng frowned when he saw the "tragic state" on Lin Yaoyang's face, looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "Does your face still have a chance to recover?"

Lin Yaoyang was also slightly speechless, and then nodded to Guo Ruisheng.

"That's good, that's good. Unexpectedly, how many years have passed since the qilin elixir, and it was born, and I met it."
At this time, Guo Ruisheng also looked at Lin Yaoyang with complicated eyes.

Lin Yaoyang wasn't afraid, he didn't see any longing eyes in Guo Ruisheng's eyes, obviously people like Guo Ruisheng and the Supreme Elder were not like minions, and they wouldn't be fascinated by the effect of the elixir in his body .

Lin Yaoyang did not answer Guo Ruisheng's words.

(End of this chapter)

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