Chapter 685

Lin Yaoyang opened his eyes, the sun had just risen outside, revealing a small edge.

Lin Yaoyang sat cross-legged on the bed, and exhaled a mouthful of turbid air in his body. At this moment, Lin Yaoyang only felt that his physical condition was extremely good, and the strength of his whole body had reached the peak state.

Lin Yaoyang only felt the innumerable power contained in his fist now.It seems that as long as you want to do it, you can directly squeeze the whole house into a broken state with one palm.

"I just don't know when my face will be healed."

Lin Yaoyang stretched out his hand to touch it, and felt that the bumps on his face were less, which was much better than before.

Lin Yaoyang's heart is also a little more optimistic, even if it is slow, as long as it is recovering slowly, it is a good thing.

Lin Yaoyang pushed open the door and walked out of the house. It was still early, and the air in the morning was still very cool. In addition, the Guo family was a castle in the sky, so it was even colder. Lin Yaoyang took a breath, only feeling My body is getting a little cold.

Lin Yaoyang became vigilant, he clearly saw, in the sky in the distance, there was a voice with bone wings behind him standing out of nowhere, that figure was staring at him with cold eyes.

In the courtyard outside, a disciple was sweeping the things on the ground with a bamboo broom in his hand.

After seeing Lin Yaoyang, he was stunned for a while, and then looked at the pool of blood on the ground, his eyes revealed a frightened expression, but he was still strong and calm.

Pretending that nothing happened, while sweeping the things on the ground, he moved towards the door. When he reached the door, he turned around and left with his things, without any hesitation.

Lin Yaoyang was a little speechless. How could this guy be so afraid of him? Could it be because he killed Guo Zhengxin? Thinking about it, he was about the same age as them, and they were still struggling towards the realm of martial arts. It's killing half-step martial arts monks. If I am like them, I will feel fear in my heart.

Lin Yaoyang laughed at himself, and walked outside again.

"Brother Lin hasn't woken up at this time, has he?"

"Don't worry, this ghost Lin Yaoyang must have woken up early, I know it. He is as diligent as me when it comes to waking up early."

Hearing this voice, Lin Yaoyang knew who was coming, Lin Yaoyang rubbed his face, he heard Kelie's voice early in the morning, it was really not a good thing.

Before Ke Lie finished speaking, the few of them passed a corner and saw Lin Yaoyang looking at him fiercely.

Kret's hairs stood on end immediately, and he said to Manager Zhao next to him, "Old Zhao, I forgot to take something, I'll go back first."

After speaking, I turned around and wanted to escape,


Lin Yaoyang stared, then let out a low drink.

Kret heard that, how could it be possible to stand still and start running even harder,

When Ma Zhe saw this, with a smile on his face, he grabbed Kelie, and Kelie said to Lin Yaoyang with a bitter face: "Brother, I was wrong, please let me go, we haven't seen each other for so long,"

(End of this chapter)

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