Chapter 701
"It turns out that there is not even a little bit of breath coming out."

Lin Yaoyang smiled embarrassingly at the servant of Dream Thieves, is his storage props good? It is space storage, thanks to the system opening up a new world in the space for Lin Yaoyang to store items .

Strictly speaking, that space is no longer in Lin Yaoyang's world, only Lin Yaoyang can feel the existence of things inside.

Naturally, it is impossible to reveal a little breath.

Ke Lie came to Lin Yaoyang with a treacherous expression on his face and said, "Lin Yaoyang, show it to me again. I haven't seen a baby like this before. I want to take a closer look."

Before Lin Yaoyang could speak, the waiter of Stealing Dreams said first: "No, it's too dangerous. Just now, the breath leaked out for a moment, and I felt the power to recover. I started to explore this area. There is a lack of top powerhouses."

What's more, Luofu black gold is something that even the top powers will be tempted by. If we are found, even I will definitely die!

Even if the waiter of Pirates of Dreams didn't say anything, Lin Yaoyang would definitely not show things to Ke Lie. As for this guy's piss, if he showed it to him, it would definitely be meat buns beating pigs, and he would never return.

However, Lin Yaoyang was still very surprised by what the waiter said, the top-level power, is it higher than the Martial Saint?

Lin Yaoyang asked: "Senior, tell me how you got out."

What Lin Yaoyang was referring to was naturally when he fought against Lin Xiao and the others.

The servant of Dream Pirates had a smile on his face when he heard it, obviously something happened that made him happy.

As a result, before he opened his mouth, the waiter's expression changed again and he said: "Someone is coming from outside, let's talk about it next time."

After finishing speaking, the waiter of Stealing Dreams disappeared as soon as his figure went dark.

Lin Yaoyang was used to the waiter of Pirates of Dreams coming and going without a trace, he shook his head, and then looked at the door.

Guo Qingyang was just getting ready to listen to a story told by a strong martial artist, but it was very disappointing to be interrupted.

There was a knock on the door, and Guo Qingyang said something to come in.

After the door was pushed open, it was the owner of the teahouse who came in. At this time, the owner of the teahouse said to Guo Qingyang with a nervous expression on his face: "Xiao Guo, your friends, Xiao Shao, and Xiao Zhong are all I ran into trouble. I got into trouble by some people who don't know where they came from. It seems that the strength is not weak."

When Guo Qingyang heard this, his expression immediately changed, and he said to Lin Yaoyang, "Which people are my friends, they help me a lot on weekdays."

Lin Yaoyang nodded, indicating that he understood what was going on, and then said helplessly to Guo Yuehong: "There are so many things to do today."

Ke Lie curled his lips and said to Lin Yaoyang: "What are you pretending to be, isn't it good to go out to show off again later? Why don't you want me to come if you don't like it?"

Lin Yaoyang's face darkened, and he said to Ke Lie, "Okay, let me see how much your strength has improved after not seeing you for a few months."

I have to say that Lin Yaoyang was still a little surprised. After not seeing him for a few months, Kelie's strength has already gone from a martial artist level to a martial arts level.

This progress is quite fast.

(End of this chapter)

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