super decomposition system

Chapter 721 Unwilling

Chapter 721 Unwilling

Lin Yaoyang turned around and wanted to start running in another direction, but the Supreme Elder sneered and then dodged, with a black light shining in his hand, which looked impressively like the black that Lin Yaoyang had just seen blocking him. The color of the lightning gate.

Lin Yaoyang began to quickly search in his mind whether there were any props in the system that could block the Martial Saint level, or something that could teleport him away.

But Lin Yaoyang only felt that his head was getting bigger. It's not that there is no system of that kind of thing, and there are quite a lot of it, but why didn't Lin Yaoyang use it.

Because Lin Yaoyang is poor, there is no points to exchange for props that can help Lin Yaoyang escape the current danger. Although he still has a few soul stones left on his body, it is far from enough to exchange them for points .

Ever since Lin Yaoyang used all the magic cores in his backpack to launch the attack skill of the system, he has been in a state of being unable to uncover the pot.

Fortunately, Ke Lie has always been self-sufficient in his cultivation, and he doesn't care about Lin Yaoyang's help at all. In this way, Lin Yaoyang is a little better.

It's not that Lin Yaoyang didn't think that he could disassemble his Luofu black gold and exchange it for points.

But Lin Yaoyang is not reconciled, Luofu black gold can indeed be disassembled to get a sky-high price of points, which is a total of millions of points. Lin Yaoyang can exchange the things in this system however he wants. able to exchange.

He shouldn't be able to use it up until he dies, not to mention that Lin Yaoyang can take the items exchanged in the system and exchange them for more valuable genius treasures and then exchange them for points again.

But Lin Yaoyang is not reconciled, this Luofu Black Sword is a miracle, it is an indispensable thing to make the world's top weapons.

This kind of miracle can only be born once in tens of thousands of years, but it ended up being lucky by itself.

Even if it is the top powerhouse who has achieved the body of a martial god who has appeared before, he may not be able to find a piece of this kind of fairy treasure with all the strength of the entire continent. It can be seen how precious this kind of thing is. But the treasures that even the strong warriors may not be able to possess.

Now let a mortal like Lin Yaoyang disintegrate it, how can it be something that can be easily done.

I really can't blame Lin Yaoyang for being too greedy for money, but speaking of it, Lin Yaoyang's little life is quite valuable. After all, this unicorn medicine is more precious than Luofu black gold. Obtain more difficult objects.

After all, this elixir can have its own sanity,

It is not a simple matter to gain its trust and let it fuse with itself and be refined by itself.

Lin Yaoyang was able to obtain the unicorn elixir this time, so it can be said that he had completely used up his luck for several lifetimes.

Just when Lin Yaoyang felt desperate, he felt that this time he must lose his life.

Another figure appeared behind Lin Yaoyang, and that person directly slapped him, stopping the movement of the Supreme Elder.

(End of this chapter)

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