Chapter 727
You know, he, Guo Liangyu, is a strong warrior at the level of a martial saint, and he was caught in the palm of his hand and couldn't move. This was not something he could accept.

At this time, Guo Liangyu became a little anxious, and began to desperately order the two skeleton knights to directly attack Guo Ruisheng.

However, after Guo Liangyu saw the eyes leaked from the hole in the vine, he felt a little faint in his heart for no reason.

Where is the look in the eyes, where does it look like a human being, like a humanoid beast.

Just when the two skeleton knights wanted to raise the long sword in their hands and attack Guo Ruisheng again.

The vine cage actually exploded directly.

A black shadow flashed out of the cage, and after Guo Liangyu saw clearly which figure was in the cage, his expression changed dramatically.

At this time, Guo Ruisheng's clothes had long since disappeared.

All that was left was the lower body and this pair of rotten trousers that could barely hide his shame.

As for Guo Ruisheng himself, his whole body is already covered with long reddish-brown hair, his face is half completely turned into a wolf, and a long fang grows from the corner of his mouth.

Others are generally the same as before.

Guo Ruisheng looked at Guo Liangyu with cold eyes, without looking at him, he grabbed Guo Liangyu's hand and pulled it hard.

Guo Liangyu was surprised to find that he, a majestic martial saint, was unable to react to the opponent's teasing, and could only let it go, leaning towards the figure of the opposite.

But Guo Liangyu naturally couldn't let this happen, he knew very well what would happen if he was approached by Guo Ruisheng, and his end would definitely be very miserable.

Guo Liangyu desperately wanted to leave Guo Ruisheng's position, and the first thing he did was to give up the area magic that he had already chanted more than half of.

However, Guo Ruisheng didn't seem to have the intention of directly taking Guo Liangyu down from the beginning.

Seeing that Guo Liangyu had dissipated the magic, he just tore it off with his hand, and actually directly removed one of Guo Liangyu's arms.

Then Guo Ruisheng dodged again, and appeared next to a skeleton knight in the air.

The reaction speed of the skeleton knight is also very good. Although the body is very small, the strength is quite sufficient.

The one who was waving the long sword went straight towards Guo Ruisheng's body, wanting to cut Guo Ruisheng in half.

But Guo Ruisheng didn't want to dodge the opponent at all, he directly resisted the sword with his own body.


Which sword hit Guo Ruisheng's waist, but it was like cutting on iron stone.

Made a crisp sound.

Then Guo Ruisheng kicked directly on the skeleton horse under the skeleton knight seat.

The skeleton horse turned into piles of fragments under Guo Ruisheng's foot.

The skeleton knight sitting on it fell directly to the ground without the car.

Seeing this, the other skeleton knight immediately rushed over to help his companion.

(End of this chapter)

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