super decomposition system

Chapter 737 The strong gather

Chapter 737 The strong gather

Compared with the normal ones, the side effects are already optimized, but Lin Yaoyang couldn't bear the amount of pills that went into his stomach, which was really too much.

Now Lin Yaoyang also felt dizziness in his head, a feeling of blankness in his head, and he was precariously walking on the road, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

Guo Yuehong saw that Lin Yaoyang's face was pale and frightening, so she hurriedly stepped forward to support Lin Yaoyang.

When Kelie and the others saw this, their expressions changed and they gathered around, thinking that something unexpected happened to Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang waved at them and said: "It's okay, I'm not injured, but my body is a bit overdrawn, and it's just that I can't bear it temporarily. We have to leave here quickly, and someone is here again."

After Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, he turned around and looked behind them with some anxiety, as if some existence had already arrived not far behind them.

Lin Yaoyang shook his head vigorously, then became cruel, and exchanged the last few soul stones left on his body for points.

Then Lin Yaoyang flipped his hand over, and there appeared several objects that Kled and the others looked very familiar to.

After Kret saw it, he was stunned and said, "Why do you still have such a good thing, you kid? Are you selling charms? You can't use up these charms."

Lin Yaoyang gave Klie a blank look, and now he was in no mood to argue with Klie, so Lin Yaoyang distributed the magic amulet in his hand to the hands of several people around him.

Then he supported Guo Yuehong and began to gallop towards the distance.

Seeing this, several people followed immediately.

After Lin Yaoyang and the others fled thousands of miles away with Wu Ji's speed, they finally couldn't feel anything behind them.

What Lin Yaoyang didn't know was that after they had gone away for a while, a figure he had just fought with Wu Ji suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Which figure was wearing the same purple robe as the purple-robed gold-eating beast seen in Wutan City, but the strength of this person was obviously infinitely stronger than those few people. .

At this time, the ordinary-looking old man in a purple robe closed his eyes when he arrived at the spot, and then his nose twitched vigorously. After opening his eyes again, his eyes were full of fanaticism. He couldn't help muttering to himself: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, it is really a fetish like Luofu Black Gold. Seeing this, God wants to revitalize my gold-eating beast clan."

After saying these words, the gold-eating beast powerhouse looked in one direction, and then disappeared completely in this place in a blink of an eye.

The direction in which the strong gold-eating beast disappeared was the place where Lin Yaoyang and the others were fleeing.

However, not long after the gold-eating beast powerhouse disappeared, the place became lively again, but this time it was not one person, but three people.

Three strong fighters of the Martial Saint level!
Which three martial saints appeared in this world at the same time.Seeing each other, they didn't fight each other.


Instead, they started talking.
A man in tattered black clothes said: "I think some fellow Taoists are here for Naluofu Heijin."

The remaining two Martial Saints didn't shy away from it, they both nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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