Chapter 746
How can the butcher's knife be picked up? If you are a professional who picks up corpses, there are things you can pick up, and some things you can't pick up.

Compared with Lin Yaoyang, Ma Zhe has done a good job in this point. Ma Zhe has already achieved the point of being invulnerable to Kelie's nonsense, no matter what Kelie is talking about. , Ma Zhe was able to do it without changing his face, as if he didn't hear it.

Lin Yaoyang kicked Ke Lie lightly, then took the butcher's knife from Ma Zhe's hand, and put it in Grandpa's hand.

Said to Zheng Huang's grandfather: "Grandpa, try this knife, it is definitely much easier to use than your previous one."

Hearing this, the old man sat down again, and the knife in his hand slashed the meat of the demon bear.

Some miraculous scenes appeared, the old man only saw that he used the ordinary iron knife in his hand to chop hard for a long time, but it was difficult to cut into the meat.

Now the old man felt that he hadn't used much strength yet, the knife seemed to be scratching on the tofu, and the meat was easily cut off.

The old man looked at what happened in his hand with a miraculous expression. He was just about to praise the knife in his hand, but he heard a dull footstep from a distance.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lin Yaoyang and the others all heard the footsteps, and there were several seconds between each landing.

And after one foot fell, the ground vibrated unexpectedly, showing how powerful it was, and I remembered following the sound of footsteps.

Feeling the sound getting closer, Lin Yaoyang walked outside the door, and saw not far away, a black figure was slowly walking towards the cabin.

Lin Yaoyang's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw a devil bear twice the size of the one the master was dismantling at this time, walking towards where Lin Yaoyang and the others were.

Naturally, Lin Yaoyang is not afraid of a monster of this level, no matter how huge it is.

Lin Yaoyang was confident that he didn't even need to take a few steps forward, he could kill this devil bear with a single blow.

Just have such confidence.

However, when the demon bear walked in, Lin Yaoyang gradually felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, it is impossible for this demon bear to walk so slowly, and logically, monsters are very sensitive to the sense of breath.

Lin Yaoyang baa deliberately restrained his aura, the devil bear felt the aura of Martial Emperor level on Lin Yaoyang's body, it should have turned around and ran back home long ago.

It shouldn't be walking in the direction where you are at all.

When the devil bear came to a position ten meters away from Lin Yaoyang, Lin Yaoyang felt a strong smell of blood, and Lin Yaoyang immediately realized that the devil bear was already dead.

But why the dead devil bear can still walk.

Lin Yaoyang looked carefully again, it didn't matter if he didn't look at it or not, when he looked at it, Lin Yaoyang was completely stunned.

Under the mountain-like figure of the devil bear, there is a small figure walking slowly with the mountain-like body of the devil bear on his back.That figure is obviously Zheng Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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