Chapter 753
"Also, how did you know how to be so close to the world! It is impossible for a human race to learn how to be so close to the world!"

After Lin Yaoyang heard Kelie's words, his pupils shrank slightly. Zheng Huang actually knew Kelie's close proximity?
How is this possible!It's completely unreasonable!Isn't Klein so close to the end of the world an accompanying skill of the Baizhangtian pig clan? Why would a kid like Zheng Huang be able to use it.

Lin Yaoyang quickly opened his eyes wide and looked at it, but what Lin Yaoyang couldn't believe was that Zheng Huang was chasing Kelie, and the footwork he used was the same as that of Kelie, and because Kelie's strength was not Zheng Huang's strength, even Klie's own speed is not as fast as Zheng Huang's.

Zheng Huang immediately followed behind Kelie, and then with a slight angry expression on her small face, she watched Kelie for a long time and choked out a sentence: "Stinky pig! Take advantage of the master!"

Then it was a slap on Kled's body.

However, Zheng Huang was still very measured and didn't use too much strength, otherwise Ke Lie would really be injured by Zheng Huang.

Lin Yaoyang was eager to find out what was going on, so he rushed to Zheng Huang's body in a flash, and then directly grabbed Zheng Huang's arm,

Lin Yaoyang's aura was so terrifying that it instantly suppressed Zheng Huang who used the same technique as Lin Yaoyang, the Ant King's Power.

The power from the same source made the Qi in Zheng Huang's body slow down like a snail in an instant.

Of course Zheng Huang also understood that Lin Yaoyang was in front of her, and immediately stopped her hand in cooperation.

Ke Lie just wanted to turn around and listen to what Zheng Huang had to say.

But he was kicked away by Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang looked at Zheng Huang, looked at Zheng Huang strangely and asked: "Good apprentice, how did you learn the footwork combat skills of that pig!"

Zheng Huang, who heard Lin Yaoyang's question, was stunned instead. Looking at Lin Yaoyang, there was a trace of unknown feeling in his eyes, as if he didn't understand what Lin Yaoyang was talking about.

Lin Yaoyang asked again, "How did you use which footwork combat technique?"

Now Zheng Huang understood what Lin Yaoyang was talking about, looked at Lin Yaoyang scratching his head and said, "I don't know, it's just that I saw the pattern on Zhuzhu's body before, it seems that there is something extra in his head The same. Then just when I started running, the speed became very fast."

Having said that, even Zheng Huang himself showed a puzzled expression.

Seeing this guy like this, Lin Yaoyang really didn't know what happened.

He didn't ask any more questions. Although Ke Lie was kicked away by Lin Yaoyang, he came back right away when it came to this kind of matter.

Hearing Zheng Huang's words, Ke Lie was also silent. This kind of thing is really a little bit strange.

Their Baizhang Tianzhu clan has existed for many years, but it has never been heard that a monk of the human race can learn the combat skill of so close to the sky.

But just now, behind Kelie's buttocks, the ten-year-old boy who has no children just revealed the untold secret of their Baizhangtian pig clan.

(End of this chapter)

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