super decomposition system

Chapter 773 Turmoil

Chapter 773 Turmoil
In addition to catching Lin Yaoyang to obtain these treasures on him, the most talked about thing here is that the ancient race was born,
On the entire continent, from various places, news began to emerge that the ancient races were walking in the world again. After these ancient races were born, they appeared in front of these human monks in a very high-profile manner.

There are even some unlucky sects who crawled out directly from under their own homes, a large group of powerful and strange-looking ancient races.

After these ancient races were born, they moved quite quickly. They directly started to open the mountain gate, or found a treasure land rich in aura and started to build the gate.

Those who are a little bit more ferocious are the sects that directly attack the human race and enslave them as slaves.

For a while, everyone on this continent was in danger, but it wasn't all bad news. Some ancient races accidentally suffered a blow when they decided to directly attack the forces of the human race.

There is an ancient race that directly hit the top power of a human race. Although the strength of this ancient race is not weak, it still miscalculated the strength of that human power.

The human race only felt that they were being provoked, and without making a sound, an old monster with a title of warrior level rushed out of the room, killing those ancient races and crying for their fathers and mothers, which entire ancient race actually It was all directly destroyed under this battle.

This top human race force also gained a lot of benefits from this ancient race.

For a while, it turned out to be a little dissatisfied. If you speak out, whoever can provide the exact location of the ancient race will be rewarded heavily.

Obviously, it is the feeling of being addicted to killing. After such a trouble, many ancient races still feel a little restrained, but their strength is still not to be underestimated. After all, the top forces like this, the human race After all, there are still a small number of them.

Most of the human races are still in a weak state, and can only bow their heads under the despotic power of these ancient races.

Many top forces are a little moved, want to find the ancient race, and kill them to obtain a race's inheritance.

When Lin Yaoyang heard the news, his expression was very solemn.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't restrain himself from thinking about the corpse demon tribe he met in the ghost mine back then, and what Rod Longsa's mother said they had been waiting for would appear in this life, and what exactly was it.

Lin Yaoyang knew that this world would definitely start to be turbulent. Although this continent is not small, there are only so many good places.


Those sects whose mountain gates were robbed by the ancient races must find another way out, but the treasure land suitable for cultivation is not so easy to find.

God knows what will happen when those people collide with the forces of the same human race.

Lin Yaoyang let out a deep breath, what about the corpse demon clan?I don't know if he was born or not, but the Ye family is not far from where the ghost mine is.Will the corpse demon clan also directly attack the Ye family?
(End of this chapter)

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