super decomposition system

Chapter 777 Face Change

Chapter 777 Face Change
Without anyone noticing, it affected the people around them like this.

When Lin Yaoyang turned his head again, the drop of blood essence floating in front of the third uncle had disappeared.

Lin Yaoyang looked at Third Uncle with a smile on his face, the meaning was very obvious.

The third uncle also smiled, "Don't worry, you are indispensable."

Lin Yaoyang thought that the third uncle would come up with a cheat book and teach it to him.

Just as Lin Yaoyang was watching what the third uncle would do next, the third uncle stretched out his hand and pressed it directly on Lin Yaoyang's head,

Lin Yaoyang only felt that his head swelled, and a lot of information came to his mind.

Lin Yaoyang also found it a bit unbelievable that although the third uncle appeared in front of it with an old face, the hand that the third uncle pressed on his forehead did not look like an old man at all.

The skin on the palm was extremely white and tender, like a well-maintained woman's hand, Lin Yaoyang was very surprised, but before he had time to feel it, Third Uncle's hand moved away from his forehead.

Lin Yaoyang felt the method that appeared in his mind. The operation method of the whole method can be said to be quite simple, but no matter which place Lin Yaoyang grasps and feels a little bit, he can feel the incomparably mysterious place inside.
Lin Yaoyang just felt like he was enlightened, and he understood in an instant how to use this method, which didn't even have a name.

It was very natural for Lin Yaoyang to use it to display it. Lin Yaoyang lowered his head and looked at the bowl of tea in front of him.

The reflection of myself on the surface of the water has already changed.
Lin Yaoyang changed his original appearance back. At this time, Lin Yaoyang is not the same as before his face was injured.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't help tearing off his mask, touched his face, the swelling disappeared on his face as if it had never appeared before.

Lin Yaoyang was shocked, and closed his eyes slightly again, and then exerted the power of the ant king, but this time it was only shrouded in his hands. The original appearance of a cloud of black air turned into the appearance of flames .

It can even emit a hot feeling like a real flame, but Lin Yaoyang knows that no matter how the appearance changes, the energy inside is still his own power of the ant king,
But this effect is already quite against the sky. Although it does not have any very powerful help in combat, if you can have such a method when walking on the mainland, it will be much more convenient to do anything.

Lin Yaoyang thought for a while about the convenience he could obtain, but before he thought about it for a long time, Lin Yaoyang's face turned dark, and all kinds of bad things by using this method to do bad things naturally appeared in his mind A way not to be discovered by others,
Could it be that he has really become a devil now, but Lin Yaoyang immediately realized that he was influenced by that guy Kelie. When talking to them, show off those fallacies.

(End of this chapter)

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