super decomposition system

Chapter 783 Big Devil Lin

Chapter 783 Big Devil Lin

It began to shatter step by step, the young man's complexion changed drastically, and he just punched out his hand, trying to knock Lin Yaoyang back.

But he seemed to have forgotten what happened to Shao Xin who just wanted to attack Lin Yaoyang.

Similarly, the young man's hand reached into the shadow.


A scream comparable to Shao Xin's scream lingered in the teahouse.

Lin Yaoyang flicked his hand again, the young man's body was like a piece of rag, he flew away casually, and landed beside Shao Xin. At this time, the young man's arm was the same as Shao Xin's, 180 degrees turned in a circle.

Originally, he was still thinking about how painful it would be if this method was applied to him, but he tried it solidly within 2 minutes.

Shao Xin watched the young man fall beside him, and for some reason, he suddenly felt much better in his heart.

After the young man fell to the ground, he also wanted to rise up and resist like Shao Xin, but the result was the same as this Shao Xin.

He couldn't mobilize the Qi in his body at all.

All he could do was look at Lin Yaoyang's back, his eyes glowing with fear.

The young man looked at Lin Yaoyang's back, and the people who rushed up with the young man also came in front of Lin Yaoyang.

Most of these people's strength is about the same as Shao Xin's, and this young man is the strongest among them.

Lin Yaoyang also had black energy surrounding his whole body, and the black and blue rays of light completely suppressed the energy emanating from these people.

The young man looked at the black and blue light lingering around Lin Yaoyang's body, as if he had thought of something.

His eyes widened, and he didn't have time to feel sorry for his second-level spiritual weapon, the sword, which was easily smashed by Lin Yaoyang.

With a loud roar, "Run! This is Lin Yaoyang, the big devil Lin!"
Lin Yaoyang, who was surrounded by the black mist, was stunned. Although he had no intention of hiding himself, he never thought that he would be recognized so quickly.

Lin Yaoyang turned his head and looked at the young man who was yelling. After this man knew that it was Lin Yaoyang, his whole body was in a bad mood. He never thought that he could actually be in the city. I met this rumored big devil.

If he knew it was Lin Yaoyang, he wouldn't fight Lin Yaoyang even if he was killed.

Isn't that courting death? Even the Wuji-level powerhouse will die if he troubles Lin Yaoyang. Is his own strength enough?

Lin Yaoyang just said two simple words, and the expression of this young man suddenly changed.

Lin Yaoyang was "busy", and took time to get back from the crowd, and stepped on the young man's hand that Lin Yaoyang turned half a circle.


The young man watched helplessly as his hand was broken under Lin Yaoyang's kick.

Meanwhile, "Plop, plop,"

Two more beeps, Shao Xin and the young man saw two figures fell beside them.

This time it was a man and a woman. Like them, without exception, these two also had one hand rotated to a weird angle.

The same screams of pain,
(End of this chapter)

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