Chapter 788
Uncle He looked at the young man and said, "How are you all? Uncle He looked at his shoulder without an arm, and a hint of heartache flashed in his eyes.

The young man and Shao Xin all straightened up, but this was a bit ridiculous. All of them, without one exception, had one arm rotated over.

After straightening up, Shao Xin looked at the young man cruelly and said, "He Qingyuan, turn your hand around for me!"

The young man's name was obviously He Qingyuan. He Qingyuan looked at Shao Xin with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then nodded. The arm is turned directly.

He Qingyuan didn't say much, just grabbed Shao Xin's hand and turned it back to normal.


The blue veins on Shao Xin's forehead were lying on his forehead like caterpillars, but Shao Xin didn't cry out.

After his arm was straightened, he immediately swallowed a elixir, and his complexion looked much better in an instant.

He Qingyuan did the same thing, regardless of howling these people were, he turned their arms back one by one.

Finally, with a hard look, he turned his arm back, and after a while, He Qingyuan's forehead was covered with sweat stains.

Now their qi was sealed by Lin Yaoyang, and it was quite tiring after some actions.

Uncle He also knew that they were now in the storage magic weapon of Big Devil Lin, and his face also changed after a while.

He Qingyuan sat on the ground, after thinking for a while, looked at them and said: "No, we have to escape, this big devil Lin must be holding us to take us as hostages, otherwise, with his ferocity, He killed us a long time ago, so there will be no way for us to survive.!"

He Qingyuan and the others don't know, but Lin Yaoyang can hear their conversation clearly now. This space storage is not some magic weapon of Lin Yaoyang, but directly stored in Lin Yaoyang's sea of ​​consciousness. The place where He Qingyuan and the others are located is The system gave Lin Yaoyang a small stable place in another space.

The only thing that can mobilize this space is Lin Yaoyang's consciousness. Without Lin Yaoyang's permission, they will never find a place to run out for the rest of their lives. If they attack randomly, if they break that space, they can only be absorbed to the point where they will never see each other. In the space cracks that do not reach the sky.

Floating in it all my life, in the end I either starved to death, or I couldn't stand the fear in the boundless darkness and was frightened to death by myself.

Lin Yaoyang could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard these guys talking about his own ferocity. Once again, he wanted to find the guy who rumored that he was a monster. It was a little bit too much .

I was a good person, but I was promoted by others as a ferocious devil who drank blood.

Although it is true that if it is not for taking them as hostages, Lin Yaoyang will definitely kill them, but there is also a reason for killing them. If their sect is not greedy for the treasures on him, he can take action to catch them Come on, everything is self-inflicted.

(End of this chapter)

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