Chapter 819
After hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, he began to cough violently.

Lin Yaoyang smiled, didn't continue to talk nonsense with this guy, and took him back directly.

After He Qingyuan returned to the storage space, several people surrounded him and asked He Qingyuan why Lin Yaoyang got him out.

He Qingyuan told them that Lin Yaoyang just asked her where the Lingxu Gate was located.

At this time, a female disciple looked at He Qingyuan and asked, "Where is Shao Xin? Where did he get taken by the big devil Lin?"

After hearing this question, He Qingyuan froze for a moment, looked at them and said, "Dead, strangled to death by the devil Lin Yaoyang."

When the people around heard He Qingyuan's words, their faces froze, and then they all became quiet, without any more questions.

There was even an extra person next to the guy who was reading a book, and he sat there and read it quietly after asking him for a book.

It seems that they feel that their time is running out, and they should enjoy and cherish their last little time.

Lin Yaoyang now appeared outside the mountain gate of Lingxumen, saying it was a mountain gate, but in fact there is not even a gate in this place, but when he arrived at this place, he knew that he had arrived at his destination naturally.

Because this place is really special, the current season is not the flowering season, but this world is full of trees, and the trees are full of all kinds of flowers.

Lin Yaoyang looked inside, and there was a disciple wearing a red robe standing there, as if standing guard.

As soon as Lin Yaoyang's figure went dark, he disappeared in place. The disciple let out a muffled snort, and was hit on the head by Lin Yaoyang from behind, knocking him out.

Lin Yaoyang didn't kill him because it was really unnecessary.

Lin Yaoyang is now walking inside the Lingxu Gate, but now Lin Yaoyang is wearing the same clothes as the gatekeeper's disciple, and his face has become exactly the same as that disciple's, even the breath is imitated.

Lin Yaoyang was walking in the Lingxu Sect, and he was still thinking about where the most powerful junior of the Lingxu Sect was.

But before I thought about it for a long time, I heard a group of female disciples not far away whispering: "Ah! I saw Senior Brother Ruokong today,"

"What! Are you so lucky? I envy you! Brother Ruokong is strong and handsome. If only he could harm me!"

The female disciple blushed and said this to her companions.

However, his companions all looked very calm, thinking that this kind of talk is not unheard of in the daily life.

A female disciple looked at the female disciple who was talking and said, "You little rascal, you're here to do sex again! How could Brother Ruokong like us? This kind of thing can only be thought about! "

For a while, the atmosphere of the female disciples here suddenly became weird again, like a group of boudoir resentful women.

The corner of Lin Yaoyang's mouth twitched, thinking that Senior Brother Ruokong was the leader of the younger generation in the Lingxu Sect.

"It's him!"

Lin Yaoyang murmured to himself in a low voice: "It's your fault that Mrs. Gao Hun is not acquainted~"

(End of this chapter)

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