super decomposition system

Chapter 839 Paralysis Ring

Chapter 839 Paralysis Ring
This Wu Ji didn't turn his head, and felt a very cold breath coming from the back of his head.

Wu Ji hurriedly turned around, only to see that Lin Yaoyang had punched towards his face at this time, this Wu Ji's face changed, and he felt the secret hidden in Lin Yaoyang's punch. Maybe he could resist the explosive energy, but he definitely couldn't feel it.

In a hurry, Wu Ji slapped it with his palm, blocking Lin Yaoyang's attack.

Lin Yaoyang's mood was rather dignified, and he didn't feel complacent at all because he seemed to have the upper hand.

Lin Yaoyang is still very clear in his heart, no matter how great his advantage seems to be now, but the Wu Ji on the opposite side is a Wu Ji after all, he may be able to fight without losing the wind,

But you must be very careful, if you are attacked by this Wuji once, Lin Yaoyang will definitely be injured enough.


With a muffled sound, Lin Yaoyang's body exploded back, and Lin Yaoyang's eyes flickered with surprise, and the other hand grabbed the hand that he just swung his fist.

Now Lin Yaoyang can't feel the existence of his hand at all.

What's going on, it's just a punch with this guy, and Lin Yaoyang clearly knows that this guy didn't have time to use any combat skills at all.

But why did my palm lose consciousness?

A sneer flashed on Wu Ji's face just now, but two more screams came from behind him.

Finally, the resistance was not far away, and the few Martial Emperors who made loud noises were all killed. Except for the Martial Emperor who escaped, the remaining four Martial Emperors all fell to the ground, dead. Thoroughly.

Even if they use some kind of magical medicine to save them now, it will be useless, and God will not be able to save them.

The young woman who was standing not far behind Lin Yaoyang was looking at Lin Yaoyang with a strange expression at this moment, thinking that this was a little bit too incredible.

Common sense doesn't seem to apply to Lin Yaoyang at all. She has lived to such an age, and she has never seen a young man with such terrifying strength.

Under Lin Yaoyang's offensive, those Martial Emperors were like a few ridiculous children trying to stop adults from beating them unilaterally, they were powerless to fight back.

Even this Wuji-level monk should be able to easily suppress Lin Yaoyang, but Lin Yaoyang fought back and forth with this Wuji.

This Wu Ji looked rather gloomy at this time, looking at what Lin Yaoyang was thinking in his mind.

Lin Yaoyang looked at Wu Ji and understood why his hand was numb.

Lin Yaoyang looked at Wu Ji and asked: "What is the ring in your hand? A spiritual weapon?"

At this moment, Lin Yaoyang was staring at a ring on Wu Ji's finger without blinking. The ring was dark blue all over, and there was a dark green gemstone on the top.

At this time, it is exuding light, brightening up from time to time.

After hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, Wu Ji didn't answer Lin Yaoyang.

But Lin Yaoyang got the answer from the system.

"Paralyzing Ring."

(End of this chapter)

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